“A friend of mine told me he saw her driving around town with some guy late at night last weekend. Couldn’t tell who, but I’d be surprised if it was Luke Jenson. Dude probably has a curfew.”

I curse myself for thinking we could get away with it.

That was a close one.

“Can you like… check up on her something? She’s been a mess since this thing with my dad, and my mom says she just started talking to her again. The last thing she needs right now is for some asshole to break her heart, you feel me?”

I’m going to hell for this.

“Look, you want to protect your sister, fill your old man’s shoes, I get it, but have you ever thought that maybe… this guy could be good for her?” I ask.

Kendrick scoffs. “Yeah, doubt it. She doesn’t know what’s good for her right now. So… will you do it? Keep an eye on her while I’m gone?”

I’ll keep an eye on her all right.

“Sure,” I choke out.

“I didn’t want to ask Alex since they have a past, you know?”

It’s my turn to scoff.

“Something funny?”

“Sorry. I coughed.”

“Oh, and there’s something else. You guys need to start recruiting again. Find a replacement for Blake. Fast. Rumors are spreading. Word is we’re weak right now. We can’t have that.”

“Will do.”

“What about you, man? How is everything? We haven’t really talked lately. Not to be a girl, but I thought you were mad at me or some shit,” he jokes.

Not mad. Just fucking your sister.

“I’m okay. Tired but okay.”

“Did the asshole come back?”

I tense. He knows I hate when he goes there.

“No, he hasn’t. And he better not,” I growl.

Thankfully, he takes the hint.

My phone pings with a text from Kass.

Control freak: Are you there soon?

Control freak: No, wait, don’t answer that. You’re driving. Don’t die.

I can’t help my smile.

“Got to go. Some of us still have to go to school, dipshit.”

He snorts. “Since when do you care about school?”

I don’t. But I care about Kass.

And she cares about school.