Running after I told you I loved you.


And you didn’t say it back.

Ugh, I want to punch myself.

I know he doesn’t owe me the L word. After all, it is still early in our relationship, but I can’t help the disappointment creeping into my heart whenever I think about his deflection.

Does he not… feel the same?

I nod halfheartedly, diverting my eyes to my feet. Silent, Will trace circles in the core of my palm with his thumb.

“I’m not fucking running, Kass.”

My eyes cut to his.

He stares at my lips. “Not this time.”

With that said, he unbuckles his seat belt. Then mine. I’m confused until he grabs my wrist and guides me over the center console onto his laps.

Oh, it’s make-out time.

I straddle him, my legs edging his body. His lips close over mine in an instant, his hands curving under my top. Heat finds us like it never left. My heart beats hard and fast. Will groans when I suck on his bottom lip. I never thought a kiss so intoxicating could come with such clarity.

I’m not just in love with this man.

I’m addicted to him.

The tension keeps on risi—


My ass accidentally crushes the steering wheel, and Will draws me back to his chest, nuzzling his nose in the crook of my neck to drown out his laughter. I don’t bother containing mine, whipping my head to glimpse at the horn.

Only, it’s the last thing I see.

The most colorful sunset catches my eye. A thousand shades of orange and pink blend across the sky.

“Wow,” I breathe.

Now that’s what I call a sunset.

Will stretches his neck.

“Shit,” he agrees. “Am I the king of picking secret sex spots or what?”

“Secret sex spot, huh? Keep it up and I just might think you’re ashamed of me, Willy.” I crack a fake laugh—damn my fake laugh game is weak.

We haven’t had the chance to discuss what would happen now that we’re officially together. We haven’t even talked about the Kendrick problem. Does he want us to keep this a secret forever?

Will’s smile fades. “Kendrick may be out of town, but people still have eyes.”

Hurt rips through me.

“Gotcha.” I whisper, attempting to wiggle off his lap, but his thumbs skid farther under my clothes, digging into my hips to keep me in place.

“Wait, that’s not what I meant, I just…” He pauses. “I don’t want him finding out from somebody else while he’s away.”