It takes me a few seconds to realize what he just said. To process that I got rejected by not one, but two men I cared about in the same day. Swallowing the pill the best I can, I nod and mentally collect the pieces of my shattered ego.

He doesn’t like you.

He literally said it to your face.

Time to accept it.

“Message received loud and clear,” I reply, heading for my car. He stands there, watching as I unlock and open my door. Seconds before I slide in, I hear him curse beneath his breath.

“Kass, wait, I…” he tries—a dash of regret in his voice—but I ignore him, climb into the driver’s seat, and drive.

“I like this one.” Zoey squeals, parading around her bedroom in a glittery silver, fitted dress. Morgan and I have been watching her throw every outfit she possesses onto the floor for two long hours now.

On any other day, we’d be whining, making jokes about how there’s a whole world outside of her closet, but today? Today we keep our mouths shut and bend to Zoey’s every will. Because today is the most important day of the year in Zoey world.

Her birthday.

Zoey’s always been extra when it comes to celebrating her existence. Her absent mom usually rents out some ridiculously expensive place to host the thing, but this year, Mommy managed to steer clear of the birthday expenses.



Yep, Zoey recently got back together with her cheating, self-absorbed, selfish frat guy ex. How’d Prince Charming win her back, you ask? A text saying “Sorry. Miss u.”

And they say romance is dead.

I tried talking her out of it, but frankly, I’d much rather see her with Sean than barking up my brother’s tree, or worse, Haze’s. Not to mention Sean came back into the picture with an offer Zoey couldn’t refuse: access to his uncle’s club for her birthday. It’s no secret that Zoey is obsessed with dating older guys. Thinks it makes her look cool.

So, hosting her birthday at one of the trendiest clubs in town around while underage?

He didn’t have to tell her twice.

Bright side is, she had the good sense of only inviting a few people from school rather than her usual country. Sean’s uncle is kind of—okay, totally—breaking the law here, and getting caught serving the whole senior class would definitely land him in hot water.

I haven’t heard a peep from my dad since I found out about his indiscretions that day. Looks like he took my wish to never see him again very seriously. Let’s just say if I suspected he didn’t care about me before, I’m definitely sure now.

I’ve barely said a word to my mom all week. And it’s not for her lack of trying. Her new passion is blowing smoke up my ass and being nauseatingly nice. She’s reaching out to me, building a bridge, and while I want to meet her halfway, I’m stuck on the other side.

They lied to me. Kept me out of the loop like I was a poor, fragile china vase waiting to break. She must’ve apologized a thousand times, but I’m not over it. I can’t help eyeing her bedroom door every time I pass it.

She needs to burn her bed.

Ridding myself of negative thoughts, I check my phone to find an unread message.

From Luke.

Luke: We missed you at work today:) Tell Zoey Happy Birthday for me.

He wasn’t lying when he said he’d be filling in for Jenny for a while. He’s been working at the store ever since she quit. I thought it might be weird, seeing as he’s interested in me, but he hasn’t been acting on it, which relieves me to no end. Truth is, all this time spent together brought us closer. We’re friends now. And not Will’s version of friends. Platonic, don’t-almost-fuck-in-a-tree house, friends.

Our dates constantly getting cancelled were probably the universe stopping me from using someone who didn’t deserve it. I never want to be that person again.

A knock rattles Zoey’s apartment door.

“Who is it?” Zoey calls from the bathroom. The shower is running in the background.

“Must be the Chinese food,” I holler back, darting toward the entrance. Out in the hall stands a soaked-by-the-rain, green-eyed, dark-haired guy. Not going to lie, he’s pretty cute, although his red eyes and the smell emanating from his jacket make it clear he’s no stranger to smoking a blunt.