“Okay? And why would I do that?”

“I don’t know. Maybe because you don’t want me to tell her to watch out for the weird phone calls you’ve been taking lately.”

I stop chewing, moving, breathing all at once.

It takes me longer than I’d like to regain my composure.

“What the fuck are you talking about?” I barely manage to swallow my last bite.

“Hey, I’m not judging.” He puts his hands up. “I know the street fight shit. I was knee-deep in it, remember? I’m familiar with the shady calls late at night. I get it, man. You’ve got to have your lot of unfinished business from leaving your whole life behind, but I’m sure Winter doesn’t need to be concerned about it, does she?”

I think back to the call I got a few days ago. They wanted to let me know the time and place of our meeting. I sneaked out of bed when Winter was asleep and stepped out onto the balcony. I thought I saw motion in the apartment through the glass doors.

It was Kendrick. Had to be.

“Let me get this straight.” I raise an eyebrow. “You’re blackmailing me. In my own apartment.”

He stops to think before he says, “Yes, I am.”


“Who’s the girl?”

“What girl?”

“The one you want to shag. She better be worth it.”

He doesn’t reply, but his eyes read Busted.

“You’ve got to give me something here.” I insist.

Finally, he flinches.


I scoff. “Winter’s best friend? Really? That’s your go-to?”

He can’t hold my gaze.

“She’s going to kill you when she finds out.”

“Who says she has to find out?” Kendrick shrugs.

“Didn’t you learn anything from my friends-with-benefits nightmare? Don’t do that shit. It never ends well.”

“We just started texting. I don’t even know if that’s what she wants. We’re just spending time together is all,” he explains.

“Just spending time together my ass.”

“Would you rather I tell Winter?” he threatens.

“Tell me what?”


We both jolt around. She’s standing in the doorway, drying her wet hair with a towel and assessing us curiously. She’s wearing an oversized white hoodie with I’D RATHER BE SLEEPING written on it in black letters, black leggings, and barely any makeup. She looks like a fucking dream, per usual. How long has she been standing there? Obviously not long enough or she’d be going off on Kendrick for the Allie thing.

“That Haze’s taking you out for dinner tonight,” Kendrick says. She frowns, glancing at me for answers.