“I need to ask you something.”

“Of course. Anything,” she says and lays a hand on top of mine. I know she might mean for the gesture to be supportive, but it only makes me uncomfortable.

I move my hand away and clear my throat.

“I want a paternity test.”

Her reaction is immediate.

Her face twitches in anger. “Excuse me?”

I’m taken aback by her response. It’s been years since I saw her. She can’t seriously tell me that the eventuality of such a request hasn’t crossed her mind.

“What? You don’t believe that Jake’s your son? How can you doubt your own flesh?”

“Riley… Honestly, it’s not him I doubt.”

If I thought she was angry before, I hadn’t seen anything yet.

“What’s that supposed to mean? That you don’t trust me?”

“I want to. I’ve known you my whole life, Rile. I want to believe that you’d never lie to me about something so important, but I can’t take any chances. What’s the problem? If Jacob’s my son, then you have nothing to worry about.”

“I…” She’s speechless at first. “Okay.”

I’m surprised.


“Sure.” Her lips agree, but her body language tells another story. She leans back into the couch, playing with the fabric of her dress.

“All right, let’s go right now then. I have an appointment,” I lie and get up. If she’s being dishonest but has somewhat of a soul, she’ll come clean before we get to the doctor’s office. This is the oldest trick in the book. She’ll feel the walls closing in on her and spill.

She hesitantly follows me to the door, dragging her feet and letting the anxiety in my stomach hit the roof. She’s reluctant. Bad sign.

No, no, no.

Don’t let it be true.

Don’t tell me I lost her for fucking nothing.

I walk to the door and get my keys out of my pocket. I reach for the doorknob and begin to tur—

“I just wanted him to have a father.” Her voice comes out in a whisper.

I freeze in place, the dreadful truth dawning on me, and turn around to see red, teary eyes staring back at me.

“What did you just say?”

She doesn’t repeat, lowering her gaze to her feet.

“Riley, what did you say?” I ask again.

She looks up at me and tears start pouring down her face

Shit, shit, shit.

This can’t be happening.