I’m caught off guard when images of Haze running his hands all over my body as he enters me corrupt my brain. Now is so not the time to be thinking about sleeping with him, but my hormones don’t give a flying shit that I’m mad. I had a taste of him once, and now I’m addicted. My heart comes bursting out of my chest when I feel a hand sliding over my hip. I jump and jolt around.


Completely naked behind me.

I didn’t even hear him come in.

“Haze! You scared the crap out of me!” I place a hand on my racing heart. “How did you even get in?”

“Door wasn’t locked,” he says, his eyes boring into mine, and chews on his lower lip. His gaze travels downward.

Oh, right, I’m naked.

I clear my throat, the water dripping down his chest throwing me off, and find myself staring down at him, too. To think I was daydreaming about this very moment just a few seconds ago.

“So what?” he says with a stern voice.

I just stare at him in confusion.

“So what if Riley did want me?” He steps closer. “I don’t give a shit, Winter. I don’t care how many memories she brings up. I don’t care how many times she laughs at my jokes. I want you.”

Leave it to Haze to casually drop a super serious speech on me when we’re butt naked.

His words affect me a lot more than they should. I don’t speak, simply because I have no idea what to say. He still doesn’t see it. He doesn’t see that she’s flirting with him. I know he’s just telling me what I want to hear.

“I want you. I’m always going to want you, and I’m sorry if I haven’t done what it takes to make you understand that.”

I’m far from prepared for what he does next.

“So let me clear things up for you.”

The air leaves my lungs when he backs me up onto the tiled wall of the shower roughly and yanks my face closer to kiss me. I instinctively kiss him back. Like my body’s been desperately waiting for his touch, it responds in a way that surprises me almost as much as it does him. I press myself to him, leaving no room for questions or hesitation. This is happening and no one, especially not Riley, is stopping us. He keeps on kissing me, but I know his attention is down there. He’s more than ready.

His lips find my neck, and I moan as he feathers my collarbone with burning kisses. His hands trail down to my stomach, but I stop him. I don’t know if it’s my ego, or if it’s jealousy, but I want to touch him. I want him to feel the s

ame way I did the other night. It’s his turn. He’s chosen me over Riley. I’m going to show him he made the right choice.

I grab him between my fingers, and his lips instantly part.

“Winter, you don’t have to—”

I don’t let him finish. Instead, I hold him tighter and start moving my hand up and down in the hope that I’m doing this right. He groans and sucks in a breath. I’ll never get tired of seeing that look on his face. Seeing the ecstasy cross his features is almost better than feeling it myself. The disbelief in his eyes when I get down on my knees in front of him makes me feel powerful, in control.

I look up at him and bring my head closer, teasing him.

“Fucking hell, Winter,” he says through gritted teeth.


“Do you have any idea how many times I’ve fantasized about this?”

The thought of him wanting this as much as I do drives me wild. He stops breathing when my mouth connects with his length. My tongue is gentle at first. I’m testing the field. Then, when I feel comfortable enough, I go all in. I wrap my lips around him and opt for a pace I hope is not too quick or too slow. I assume I’m doing something right from the way he throws his head back with a grunt and clenches his fists. I analyze his facial expressions, adjusting to every slight change in the noises he makes.

“Fuck, Winter, you…” He seems at a loss for words, his breathing unsteady. “No fucking way you’ve only had one guy.” He tugs at my hair and the heat rises in my stomach. I never thought my body could react this way to… anyone, really. Haze’s changed me in ways I don’t understand.

After a few minutes, I ask him how I can make it better, and he looks at me like he’s wondering if I’m real. I guess not every girl he’s been with was open to criticism. He gives me a few instructions that I’m happy to follow. I didn’t expect to be a pro the first time, and the way he reacts to my additions is worth every awkward try. I grab him at the base, my mouth still moving up and down around him, and increase the pressure with each twirl of my tongue. His breathing grows heavier until he snaps.
