I’m so glad the scared-of-commitment Haze is gone.

“Yes, I did have feelings for Riley. But in an ‘I’m a stupid teenager who only wants to play video games’ kind of way. We were so young. It seems like another life. And whatever I felt for her is not even close to what I feel for you.”

“Why’s that?” I’m just pushing it for him to keep telling me all these wonderful things at this point.

“I guess… I never really knew love until I knew you.”

I swoon.

“You know you’re going to have to pay a fine for that, right?”

“Pay a fine for what?” he asks.

“Stealing lines from whatever cheesy romantic comedy you got that from.”

He rolls his eyes.

“You are so good at ruining our moments, you know that?”

“You love me for it.” I kiss him. He welcomes my lips, per usual. In that moment, I want to forget about Riley. I want to forget that we might be doomed from the second he walks inside that coffee shop. I want to think about us and us only.

The perfect kiss ends a lot faster than I would’ve liked when we pull away for air.

It’s 4:25.

In a few minutes, my boyfriend has a date with his ex-girlfriend that he possibly has a child with.

In a few minutes, everything could change.

“It’s time.” He sighs.

“Okay. I’ll wait for you in the car.” I get my phone out of my pocket. “Great, my battery’s almost dead. I’m going to be bored out of my mind.”

“What?” He glowers. “You’re not staying in the car. Not a chance. You’re a part of my life; I’m not hiding you.”

I’m instantly touched that he would even consider bringing me in to witness such a personal moment.

“Haze, do you really think that she’ll be comfortable talking about the possible kid the two of you conceived in front of your new girlfriend, not to mention a complete stranger?”

He looks down, understanding my point, and nods. I don’t want him to go alone, but it wouldn’t be right if I tagged along for their reunion after years of questions.

I have to put myself in her shoes. He’s the one who contacted her wanting to know more about his child. If she really is a mother, she’s only doing this for her kid to have a father.

“You know what, there’s another coffee shop on the other side of the street.” He points to something. I turn my head to see the shop he’s talking about. Two coffee shops facing each other? These two are obviously competing with each other. “I’ll get a seat by the window. If you do, too, you’ll be able to see us.”

I laugh. “Are you suggesting that I stalk you?”

“Hell yes, if it’s the closest thing I’ll have to you being there.” I know he meant for it to be sweet, but it only makes the situation more real. He notices my frown and captures my hand into his.

“You know the first thing I do after this conversation is introduce you to her.”

Sure. Unless you look her in the eyes and fall in love all over again.

I smile unconvincingly, and we get out of the car. He enters the coffee shop while I cross the street to reach my creeping spot. I order a latte and sit by the bay window as discussed. He’s got the seat he wanted, too.

He makes silly faces at me, and my lips struggle to shape a somewhat believable smile.

Twenty-four girls walking into the shop and making me wonder if they’re Riley later, I’m beginning to think we dodged the bullet. It’s 4:50. Maybe she got scared and skipped town again. Maybe she’s not coming.