Truth is, I don’t know what the fuck I feel. I know I told her otherwise, but my head is

a huge mess right now.

I don’t reply, once again, my gaze traveling from the ceiling to the floor.

He sighs. “You’re not going to answer that, are you?”

I get up and head for the bathroom that’s linked to the bedroom.


“Are you at least going to tell me why you couldn’t go back to your place?” He trails behind me.

“Long story short, Tanner’s the one who took her. Then, he kidnapped me for finding out and, well, let’s just say we won’t be having dinner at Thanksgiving anymore. I’m looking at a place next week.”

His mouth drops. “Seriously? You’re going to stop talking to your brother and move out of your house for some chick?”

“Did you forget the part where his guys kidnapped and almost killed me?”

He nods, but I can tell he’s biting his tongue not to talk back.

“Just thought you should know, word on the street’s that the North side’s preparing something against us. Our alliance apparently went to shit. Any idea why?”

I mentally curse. The East side and I showed up to Ian’s lair when we were looking for Winter. I almost forgot about that tiny detail. I’m assuming throwing in a smoke bomb and threatening Ian’s girl did the trick. To think we did all that for nothing. We gave my traitor of a brother exactly what he wanted by going after them.

“No, no clue. Sorry,” I lie, closing the door.

“One last thing.” He blocks the door with his foot.

I sigh in annoyance. “What?”

“The East side girl. What’s her name? Willow?”


I almost smack myself for correcting him this fast.

Way to look like you don’t give a damn, Haze.

“Was she worth it?”

I pause, memories flashing in my mind against my will. I remember all the time she spent pushing me away only to pull me closer when I kissed her at the motel. I see my hands on her hips, her body against mine, my lips on her skin. I remember how much I wanted to tear that dress off her when I showed up at Kendrick’s fake-girlfriend dinner and she dragged me to her bedroom to yell at me.

I see the day she got my helmet stuck on her head, the day I took her out for coffee and she got rid of the girl flirting with me by telling her I had STDs. I see the time she threw her phone in the freaking toilet to make sure no one could locate her when, in fact, I was the one calling her.

The girl sure knows how to make me laugh.

His question echoes in my brain.

Was she worth it?

Yes, she was.

“No, of course not. I don’t know what came over me.”

He beams, satisfied with my answer, and steps out of the room. I lock myself in the bathroom. I need a shower. A cold one. But what I really need…

Is to get this girl out of my head.