Okay, I’m awake now! Give me the pizza.

Fainting like an idiot does require a lot of energy. I can’t believe I passed out the second I saw my blood. I’ve always been terrified of it, but I thought I’d gotten that under control. Obviously, I was wrong.

Just a drop of blood and there goes my punk ass again. I turn into a damsel in distress in need of a savior.

It’s a good thing Haze was there to fulfill that role.

Stop thinking about him!

“Good, you’re awake.” Alex smiles, resting the box he’s holding on the washed-out desk a few feet away from the door. “I told you she’d be okay.” He shoots Will a quick glance.

“Of course she’s okay. She has me to watch over her.”

Even in moments like this, Will finds it in himself to make lame jokes, and I’m not surprised.

Some things never change.

“I mean, now that Haze is out of the picture, she might need a real man.” He wiggles his eyebrows, flexing his bicep and creating a “let me just barf real quick” feeling in me.

I roll my eyes. Typical Will.

“You’re a shitbag, you know that?” Alex says.

“I love you, too, bro.”

I know Will’s kidding, but it doesn’t ease the discomfort flickering in my chest. He’s right. Haze lost the fight. He has to respect the deal he made with my cousin. He’s out of my life.

I can never see him again.

Alex turns to me, tearing me away from the unwelcomed thoughts floating around in my brain. “How are you feeling?”

“She almost died. How would you feel?”

“Shut up,” Alex hisses.

“Honestly?” I wince. “Like I got run over by a truck.”

“Told you.” Will takes a huge bite of pizza.

Alex picks up one of the boxes and opens it. “You hungry?”


I’d be lying if I said that I don’t almost shed a tear of happiness when I shove the pizza in my mouth in a not-so-classy manner a minute later. I chew on this crappy pizza like it’s the best food I’ve ever had. I can’t remember the last time I ate. I’ve just finished my slice when someone knocks on the door.

“Open up, my hands are full,” a familiar voice calls on the other side.

Will gets up. “What’s the password?”

“You have got to be kidding me.”

“This ain’t it.”

“Will, open the door or I’ll kick your ass to China.”

“Fine. Don’t get your knickers in a twist.”

Will unlocks and opens the door. On the other side is my cousin. The very first thing he does when he walks into the room is drop two large suitcases on the stained carpet of the four-walled shithole. My entire life for who knows how many weeks is in there.