“Way to change the subject.”

“I mean, who does he think he is? Buying a perfect stranger a dress? That’s creepy. I don’t trust him.”

“Haze, it’s just a dress.”

“Whatever.” He shrugs.

“You know, if I didn’t know you any better, I’d say you’re jealous.”

He stiffens up. “Jealous? Please. I’m just wondering what motive this guy has. He’s probably never going to see you again, so why? Not to mention that we’re trying to keep under the radar.”

“It’s not like I’m ever going to wear a classy dress like this locked up in the lake house anyway.”

His shoulders seem to relax, his anger decreasing. He’s about to speak again when someone beats him to it.


I can tell from the way his face crumbles that he knows that voice. I’d even go as far as to say that he’d recognize it anywhere.

We both turn around simultaneously and come face-to-face with a beautiful, short red-haired girl and a guy with loose brown curls. They look slightly older than us.

“Vic?” Haze seems a bit uneasy.

“I can’t believe it. How long has it been? Like two years?” The guy who answers to the name Vic pulls Haze into one of those bro hugs guys do to show their affection. I don’t speak male, obviously.

“Who’s this?” Vic asks when they pull away.

“Winter, this is Victor, my oldest friend. Victor, this is Winter, my…” He pauses, hesitant as to what word he should use. “Friend.”

There goes the F word again. I mentally curse, feeling myself fall deeper and deeper into the friend-zone hole.

“Nice to meet you, Winter,” he greets me. “This is my girlfriend, Beatrice.”

“But everyone calls me Bea.” She grins shyly.

I return their smiles. “Nice to meet you both.”

“What happened to you?” Bea asks, noticing my leg and crutches.

“I…” Think, Winter, think. “I fell.”

Haze holds back a small snicker.

What? That technically isn’t false.

Bea and Victor nod, satisfied with my answer, and bring their focus back on Haze.

“Why didn’t you tell me that you were back in town, man?”

“Because I’m not.” Haze shifts uncomfortably. “Well, not really. We’re just passing by. You know, not staying for long.”

“Still, you should’ve told me. How are things with you? We’ve barely even spoken since…”

Haze slightly clenches his jaw, and Victor cuts himself off like he just got too close to talking about something they promised to never bring up again.

He said Victor’s his oldest friend. They must’ve grown up together. I knew Haze had a past in this town.

This has got to be his hometown.