“I don’t think it’s a good idea.” I wince.

“That bad, huh?”

“More like disastrous.”

“I’m sure it’s fine. Come on out.”

I fidget with the sleeves of the dress. “Okay, but if you take a picture, I’ll stab you in the eyes, rip your eyeballs out, and slowly make you swallow them, are we clear?”

“You’re creepy as fuck, Kingston, you know that?”

“Are we clear?” I ask again.

He chuckles. “Yes, ma’am.”

I get on my crutches and push the changing-room door open. Haze instantly starts laughing, and truth be told, I can’t really blame him. I don’t consider myself to be a fashion expert with unbeatable style, but this… this is something else.

“You look like my grandma’s curtains.” He snorts.

I mean, he’s not wrong.

“You know what? I think I’m good with my clothes. Like you said, it’s only for a few weeks.”

Again, special shout-out to Kendrick for making sure I only had the ugliest clothes in my closet to wear during this “let’s keep Winter safe” adventure. Sometimes, I think he did it on purpose.

Maybe somewhere, deep down, Kendrick knew Haze would show up and that’s why he decided to have me wear hideous pajamas every single day. What better way to make sure Haze wouldn’t make a move on me than to make me look like a hobo? My oversized sweatpants and band T-shirts aren’t very attractive, to say the least.

“This isn’t just ugly. It’s uncomfortable, too.” I wiggle, the dress itching. “I need to change.”

Haze checks the time on his phone. “There’s something I have to go do real quick. I’ll be thirty minutes tops. You going to be okay on your own?”

“Sure. As long as you don’t leave me here—you’re supposed to protect me, remember?” I taunt.

He smiles. “Don’t worry, I’ll be back. Plus, you have the nice employees to keep you safe. Not that anybody would want to make a move on you dressed like this.” He looks me up and down.

“Jerk,” I mutter under my breath.

“Prude,” he says as he walks away.

I watch him disappear with an idiotic grin on my lips and turn around to find myself alone with the pile of clothes I have yet to try on. I did find some decent clothes in the discount section. Nothing was below fifty dollars, but this will have to do. I’m hoping they’ll fit and I’ll be able to look semi-cute from now on. I spend the next thirty minutes making faces and throwing clothes in the “never again” pile. I’m happy to get at least a few items to bring back with me.

I’m about to step out of the changing room when my phone rings. My heart sinks at the caller ID.


I take a breath and pick up.

“Winter, thank God. Where are you?” my aunt says as soon as I press the button.

“Hey, Aunt Maria,” I say, careful not to be too loud.

“Are you okay? We’ve been trying to call you since last night.” She speaks rapidly.

“I’m okay, I promise.”

She sighs in relief. “What in the world happened?”

“Kendrick didn’t tell you?”