I ignore his innuendo and go back to watching the passing trees through the window.

“Fine. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have hit him. Is that better?”

I sigh.

“Oh, come on, what do you want from me, woman? I had no choice. I did it for your protection.”

I scoff. “Ha, for my protection. Speaking of, I sure hope you used some with Bianca last month.”

His jaw drops.

Crap. Did I say that out loud?

The last thing I expected is what he does next. He takes the upcoming exit, gets us off the highway, and pulls over on the side of the road next to a gas station that’s beyond sketchy. He turns to me and stares until I have no choice but to face him. I can’t believe I said that. It just slipped.

“Who the hell told you that?” He asks.

“You mean, who told me the truth?”

He scratches his neck. “Winter, I…”

“Look, Haze. Don’t waste your breath. It’s okay. I get it. You really don’t owe me an explanation. You’re free to do what you want. It’s not like we’re together.”

I see a hint of annoyance glimmer in his stare, and panic stirs up in my chest. Why’d I have to say that we’re not together? I’m not saying that I don’t want us to be. I want us to be. But the question is, does he want us to be? Because sleeping with Bianca right after I leave town doesn’t exactly give me clear “let’s be a couple” vibes.

What do I say? What do I say? What do I say?

“I mean, we’re just friends.” I stumble on the words.

“Right…” He pauses, his jaw clenched. “Just friends.”

And just like that… I regret ever learning to speak.

He clears his throat, making it his life purpose to ignore my eyes locked on him, and stares into the emptiness.

“Good. At least, we

’re clear on that.”





Did I just say the F word?

Yep. I definitely did.

I just said the F word. I, Winter Kingston, just friend-zoned the guy I want to make out with until I can’t breathe. Is there some kind of award for most likely to die alone? Or for the world’s best at sending hot guys the wrong signals?

Why are you so worried? You shouldn’t even want him. He slept with Bianca right after you left town, remember?

Like he’s reading my mind, he speaks again.

“And, for the record, I didn’t sleep with her. Hell, I couldn’t even kiss her for two seconds.”