“I wish things were different, Haze. I really do.” Shame radiates off Andrew’s stance. “But we can’t trust you anymore. We told you what would happen if you didn’t give up on her.”

“Fine, I lied. But it doesn’t have to change anything. Having her in my life doesn’t change who I am. I’m still me, guys,” he begs.

“Still you? Please, you’re throwing fights, disappearing on us, working with the East side.”

Haze’s words leave him.

“Yeah, we know about that. Turns out the East side’s just as against your relationship as we are.”

Haze peeks at me from the corner of his eyes, waiting for me to validate their accusations. I nod and he clenches his jaw.

Damn you, Kendrick.

“Thanks for starting shit with the North side, by the way. You cost us our best alliance. All over some stupid girl.” Ryan huffs and puffs, glancing at the guys over his shoulder. He’s clearly the brain behind the operation. The other two seem to hate the situation unraveling before their eyes. “We don’t want to kill her, and we won’t have to if you agree to get her out of your life.”

“What is this? An ultimatum?”

“Maybe it should be. Choose, Haze. The girl or us.”

Haze’s face hardens, his gaze gliding from them to me. My heartbeat races when I get lost in the blue of his eyes. Finally, he smiles faintly.

“Then, it’s settled.”

He captures my hand into his.

“I’m done fighting.”

My lips part.

Wait, what?

Ryan fails to hide his joy. “Fine. I’ll lead the West side.”

“Now, we both know the only way to get the title from me is to beat me. Either you fight me, or you win the most fights. No other way to become the main. That’s the rule.”

“I don’t have to. You just quit. I don’t have to challenge the main if he’s a quitter. That’s the rule.” He spits Haze’s words back to his face.

There are so many rules I’m not even close to understanding. Maybe I should start listening to Kendrick’s speeches.

“Oh, come on, humor me. You think you have what it takes to lead? Prove it.”

Ryan tightens his fists and looks over at the guys. They nod in approval. There’s no avoiding this fight.

Haze makes me step back. Seconds later, Ryan runs to us, putting up a fist no one wants to be on the receiving end of. I yelp as Haze easily intercepts his attack, punching the breath out of him and pushing him to the ground. Ryan groans in pain but quickly gets back on his feet. Seconds later, Haze is twisting Ryan’s arm behind his back like it’s nothing—like he’s nothing—and shoving him back down. The other guys don’t move one bit, guilt scorching their faces. Helpless, they watch Haze destroy their future leader on repeat.

It quickly becomes clear why Haze was the main. He’s winning the fight by far, effortlessly dodging every upper cut Ryan comes up with and returning the punches to sender ten times harder.

“Really, Sutter? Using my own moves against me? In case you forgot, I fucking made you.” Haze pulls Ryan by the collar of his clothes and sends him flying with one strong and final hook. Ryan whimpers, struggling to get up, as he wipes the blood off his mouth. “That’s who you want as your leader? Be my guest,” Haze scoffs.

Haze’s fighters are speechless, which is understandable. What can you possibly say when your new leader just got their ass handed to them by the one you’re trying to kick out?

“Now, here’s what’s going to happen. You’re going to go home with your excuse of a leader and never come near me or my girl ever again.”

Ryan spits more blood. “And why would we do that?”

“Because you know damn well I could ruin your lives with all the dirt I have on you.”

“We have dirt on you, too,” Ryan grunts.