“Aren’t you two adorable?” A voice I’d recognize anywhere makes us jump.

No way.


And Kendrick.

What the hell?

I’ve barely talked to my cousin since Haze told him his snitching to the West side almost got me killed. He apologized a hundred times. And although he definitely didn’t want me to go live with Haze, the guilt eventually won him over.

“What are you two idiots doing here?” Haze asks.

“You bring Winter into a party that’s literally an open invite for someone to attack and think we won’t come?” Kendrick scoffs. “You’re funny, Adams.”

They’re both wearing tuxedos. William Martin and a tie? Not an everyday combo. He keeps on playing with it, clearly uncomfortable.

“You gave up fighting, man. Everybody knows it. She’s not safe with you anymore.” Will shrugs.

“How did you even find out about this? Or get in?” I ask.

“Believe it or not but Haze’s lovely brother put us on the guest list. He came to us and said he was afraid someone might give their revenge a shot and Haze might need backup to protect you,” Kendrick explains.

“You’re telling me that Tanner came to you?” Haze asks a lot louder than he intended to. Tanner did say that he wanted to make things right. That he’d even help protect me if he had to. But Haze doesn’t buy it.

“Yeah, don’t worry, we’re not buying his nice-guy act for a second either, but we figured it was way too suspicious not to come,” Will says. “Oh, alcohol.” He picks a drink off a nearby waiter’s tray.

“Sure. Let’s get drunk to protect Winter.” Kendrick rolls his eyes. Will doesn’t listen, taking a sip of champagne.

“Oh, come on, from the size of this crib and the amount of rich people in the same room, the police will be here before any fighter even steps foot inside this house.”

“You guys literally just walked in,” I mock.

“Shh!” he dismisses me. “Do you think there are any billionaire chicks looking for a boyfriend somewhere around here?”

Oh, I see what’s happening. He’s on the rebound. He’s crushed over Kass and acting out. He’s obviously heartbroken. This cannot end well.

“I’ll go check.” Will smirks and dives into the crowd. Kendrick says something about free food and catches up to him. I laugh. If it isn’t to look for a girl, it’s to look for the buffet.

Boys will be boy


“So what do your parents do for a living?” A lady wearing golden earrings—that I’m pretty sure are actually made of gold and not the cheap stuff I always buy—looks me up and down.

“My mom’s a hairdresser, and I never knew my dad. Not that it’s common to have a present dad when your mom got knocked up at sixteen, you know?” I say and enjoy watching her face fall apart. She smiles uncomfortably. Everyone I’ve talked to tonight, every single one, has somehow asked me if my parents are rich by subbing the words “to be rich” with “for a living.” I’ve been having the time of my life making them crazy uncomfortable since I caught on. Haze and I are officially the talk of the night. The Adams son is dating a non-millionaire. How could he stoop so low? I already know what they think of me. Might as well have fun with it.

“You’ll have to excuse me. I have to go sell drugs. Have a wonderful night.” I turn away and pull on Haze’s sleeve to get him to come with me. He’s laughing so hard he’s suffocating.

“I can’t believe you just did that.”

“Nothing but the truth, Hazie, nothing but the truth.” I smile as he finishes his seventh glass of champagne. He’s been drinking a lot. I didn’t comment because he actually seems to be having fun, which, news flash, was very unlikely to happen tonight. I’d be on the floor right now if I’d had this much champagne. I think it’s his way of coping. He’s hurting. I’ll definitely be the one driving since I only had half a glass hours ago.

“Dance with me.” Haze sets his cocktail glass on the buffet table and holds out his hand in my direction.

“You’re drunk,” I laugh. He pulls me closer to kiss the corner of my mouth.

“I’m drunk on you, baby,” he whispers.