We step into the large reception room, which I assume only exists to host events like this, and are immediately scrutinized by the masses. I spot them. Haze’s parents. They’re faking smiles and forcing laughter, probably trying to land an investor of some sort, while nodding their heads along to what looks like a very boring conversation.

They see us.

His mother’s face lights up. She has pale brown hair and soft features. She’s like a female version of Haze. He told me that she created a very prestigious clothing line—that Richard paid to launch—a year back and that if it wasn’t for her husband, she wouldn’t be working. She looks decent. Not nice, but decent. At least she can smile. God knows Haze’s father doesn’t understand that concept. Speaking of Mr. Block-of-ice, he glares at me from afar.

“They hate me,” I whisper to Haze.

“No, they don’t.”

“Please, I’m a peasant to them. I’m a peasant trying to date the prince,” I say in a high-pitched voice, and he laughs.

“If it makes you feel any better, they hate everyone. I don’t even think they like each other.” He sends us into a fit of giggles.

We finally come face-to-face with the two monsters hiding behind expensive clothing and jewelry. His mother slowly eyes me from head to toe, analyzing me, while Haze’s father doesn’t bother looking at me.

“You came.” Richard speaks first, laying a hand on Haze’s shoulder. Haze winces and wiggles away.

“Tanner was pretty convincing,” Haze says.

“You two finally stopped fighting over stupid things, then?” Richard huffs.

Because trying to kill someone classifies as stupid things…

“Not even close.” Haze’s smile reeks of arrogance. He accepts the champagne a passing waiter offers him, takes a huge sip, and finishes the drink in one gulp.

Well, this is off to a great start.

“Aren’t you going to give your mother a hug?” His mother opens her arms to him. Haze doesn’t step into her embrace, which leaves her no choice but to very awkwardly force hug him. He doesn’t return her hug, standing as still as a brick wall, until she pulls away. This is heartbreaking. It reminds me of my mom. Only difference is my mother doesn’t hug me.

At least Haze’s mother tries.

I inspect the room and find myself enlightened as to why they’re talking to us. Everyone, without exception, is staring. The Adamses are trying to make a good impression. My guess is they wish to look like a united family in front of potential business partners. I mean, he is their son.

“How handsome you’ve become, sweetie,” his mother says and pretends to get emotional. Yes, pretends. There are no tears. Always look for the tears.

She’s talking like she hasn’t seen him in years. It can’t really be that bad, can it? Doesn’t Haze come home for Christmas? Is that why he said he never gets presents? Because he doesn’t show up? Sadness gains control of me. My baby doesn’t deserve to spend Christmas alone.

“Well, what are you waiting for, darling? Introduce us to your girlfriend.” His mother clears her throat and looks at me.

“Mom, Dad, this is Winter,” Haze says, disinterest obvious on his face. He sees right through their game.

“Call me Anita.” She smiles as we shake hands. Richard stares down at our handshake like he’s afraid my dirty peasant fingers will rub off on hers.

“I didn’t know you had a girlfriend.” She forces a bigger smile on her lips, her mouth stretching while her eyes remain empty.

“How could you? He never calls,” Richard grunts, the remainder of the awkward tension from before coming back at full force.

“Where’s Tanner?” Haze finds something, anything to fill the silence. I can’t imagine just how desperate he must’ve been to change the subject to bring up his brother, out of all people.

“Oh, he’s here somewhere with his new girlfriend.”

“Rose? How is she new?” Haze asks his mother.

“Not Rose.” She takes a sip of champagne and looks out onto the dance floor. “I have to go back to my guests, but you two enjoy yourselves,” she says before walking away. As for Richard, he straight-up leaves without a goodbye or reason. Charming.

“They seem… nice,” I say to Haze, and we both break out into laughter. I’m not mad. Nor am I offended. Sometimes in life, you just have to accept that some people suck and there is absolutely nothing you can do about it. So, you keep your head high, move on, and let them take their “suckery” elsewhere.

“You have no idea how glad I am that you’re here right now.” Haze brings his mouth to mine, and I kiss him back, the slight taste of the alcohol he just chugged lingering on my lips.