“What just happened?”

“Nothing.” Will gives Alex a look that says “Tell her and I’ll kill you.”

“Don’t ‘nothing’ me. I have eyes. What’s in that text?”

“I told you. Nothing. Just let it go.”

“Alex?” I glare at him. “Alex, tell me. You know you want to.”

He shifts nervously, his eyes darting back and forth between Will and me.

“Alex, don—”


“Haze was at Bianca’s three hours ago.” The words fall out of his mouth so quickly it’s a wonder I even understood him.

I swallow the pill or at least, really try.

“Says who? It’s not like you saw him.”

“No, but I trust my sources,” Will says.

The emotions that creep inside my heart when he says that are indescribable. I’m happy because I got him to answer the question. But I’m also broken, because sometimes…

The truth is worse than the oblivion.


Chasing You


My phone rings a few times. Then, Kendrick’s stupid voicemail comes on. That’s all I’ve been hearing for the past month. None of the guys are picking up, and I’m pretty sure it’s not because they’re busy.

I glance at the empty apartment and breathe out a bitter sigh. It’s the third I’ve seen this week. It needs some work, but it’ll do. It shouldn’t be too long until Trev gets sick of me eating his food and kicks me out. I really need this place.

The apartment lady asked me why I needed to move so quickly. I really wanted to tell her, “Well, long story short, my brother, who’s also my roommate, locked me in a basement and tried to kill me,” just to see her face, but I’m guessing this wouldn’t be a winning tactic.

I glance down at the messages I’ve sent Winter. She would’ve answered by now. I’ve tried calling her too, but it doesn’t even reach the voicemail.

My guess is either my number’s blocked on her phone or she doesn’t have a phone anymore. But blocked by who? Did she do it? Not knowing is driving me insane.

Weeks of silence and I still can’t stop thinking about her. This girl who, for all I know, could be on another continent right now. It’s been one freaking month. It should be getting better. Why isn’t it getting better? Why can’t I stop obsessing about where she is and if she’s okay?

My guys are even more suspicious than before, and the frown that’s plastered on my face twenty-four seven isn’t helping. I’m sloppy in fights. I’m not down for anything other than sleeping. Going over to Bianca’s last month felt so wrong. It made me realize that maybe… I don’t want this life anymore.

Speaking of Bianca, she’s been texting me nonstop, asking me about what happened when I showed up to her house. I haven’t texted her back once, but she can’t take a hint.

“Thank you for waiting.” The Realtor walks back into the room after taking a forty-five-years-long phone call. I don’t have all day, but she obviously doesn’t care.

“Have you made up your mind?” she asks.

I glance at our conversation on my phone and reread the last few messages Winter sent me before this madness started.

Yes, I’ve made up my mind. I lost the fight. I lost her. But I don’t care about the deal. I’m chasing that girl… again.

I look down at the lady and nod.