“Does it hurt?” If I didn’t know any better, I’d say he actually looks concerned.

Coming back down to earth, I shake my head quickly and move away, bringing my hair back to the front. “A little. But it’s nothing I can’t handle.”

“Listen, I know it might not mean much to you but…” His gaze descends to the wooden table like he’s looking for the right words to say. “I just want you to know I wouldn’t have left if it wasn’t urgent.”

Somehow, he looks sincere. And part of me wants to believe him. But I know better. Kendrick warned me he had a way with words.

“He was right, though, wasn’t he?” My words seem to surprise him. He doesn’t speak, waiting for me to continue. “I’m the enemy.”

Still no reply.

“So why did you save me?”

He looks conflicted. Then after a few seconds of silence, he speaks.

“Somebody had to.”

I’m about to argue and say this isn’t an answer when a high-pitched voice interrupts me.

“Excuse me.”

We both look up at the same time. Next to our table is a girl that’s a good five foot nine. She has long ginger hair and green eyes. Her beauty is undeniable. Her cleavage is on display in the short white dress she is wearing. She happily squishes her breasts together by resting both her arms on the table.

Something tells me she’s not here to talk to me.

Her eyes stop on Haze. “Hey. So, I saw you from afar and…”

She pauses and looks at me, probably wondering if I’m his girlfriend and about to pounce on her.

“Here’s my number.” She hands him a crumpled piece of paper with her perfectly manicured fingers.

Haze’s face turns into a seductive one as he takes it.

“Well, thanks.” He smirks. “What’s your name, gorgeous?”

My stomach drops.

“I’m Natasha.” She cackles, obviously appreciating the attention. “Maybe we could go somewhere else, you and I…” She gives him the “let’s make babies” look.

Okay, that’s enough.

I clear my throat to remind them of my presence. Natasha glares at me. “I’m sorry, is this your girlfriend?”

“Oh no. Don’t worry. You two can go and do your thing in a minute. I just need to know the answer to the question I asked you earlier.”

Haze’s eyes widen. His face says don’t you dare.

“Have you told Samantha about the STD yet?”

His jaw drops while color drains from Natasha’s face. Disgusted, she walks away without a word. As soon as she is out of range, I burst out laughing. I can’t stop no matter how hard I try. Haze glares at me.

“What? You’ve got to admit her face was priceless.” I put my hands up in surrender.

“You couldn’t have found something else to get rid of her?” he asks but I can tell he’s repressing a smile.

“It’s the first thing that crossed my mind.”

I carry on laughing, and eventually he starts laughing, too.