Will scoffs. “Yeah. His dick. That’s what he sees in you.”

Alex elbows him in the stomach.

I like Will. Always so sweet and polite.

Something tells me this banter’s an everyday thing for them.

It’s become quite obvious that Will is the immature, prankster, funny guy with inappropriate jokes, and Alex is the nice “dad” who constantly apologizes for his son’s behavior.

“How do you know he’s even going to show up at all?”

Will shrugs. “Because he think

s you’re the one who set it up. He’ll be there. Trust me.”

“I don’t have to go alone, do I?”

“Of course not. Kendrick would kill us.” Alex says.

“Well, technically, it would require for him to be able to walk,” Will adds.

My worries increase tremendously.

“It’s that bad?”

“It is. I have no idea what Kendrick expected. That he could take down four guys at once? Not to mention he thought Tanner wouldn’t have backup. Tanner was expecting him. Kendrick’s good. But no one’s that good.” Will glances at me. “We’re leaving in a couple hours. Wear something a bit more…” He pauses, analyzing me from head to toe. “Revealing.”

“In other words, wear almost nothing.”

I look down at my oversized sweatshirt and leggings.

“Yeah, pretty much.”

This results in another blow to the stomach from Alex.

“Don’t listen to him. What he means is that we want all the help we can get. If you seducing Haze can save Kendrick, we have to try.”

So basically… I’m meeting Haze Adams late at night, wearing almost nothing, with gangs potentially trying to kill me.

Sounds fun.

SITTING IN A CAR THAT’S TAKING me to a meeting with Haze isn’t exactly what I had in mind when I thought about my Saturday night. Will is driving while Alex is tapping his foot to the music playing on the radio. Am I the only one completely freaked-out here? It sure looks like it.

I look down at the red dress I’m wearing. It’s tight and something I bought a while ago for my nonexistent boyfriend. I thought I might need a dress like this one day. I just never expected that day would be now. My cleavage is a lot more exposed than I’m used to, and I can’t help but constantly try to fix it.

When Will parks the vehicle a couple of blocks away from the creepiest park I’ve ever seen, my response is immediate.

“Seriously? You just had to pick the creepiest park in the history of parks, didn’t you?”

“That’s the farthest we go.” Alex says.

“What? But you said you were coming to watch over me.”

“We are. Just from afar. We can’t risk Haze seeing us,” Will motions to get out of the car. “Come on. He’ll be there soon.”

“Here goes nothing,” I sigh, closing the door and walking toward the completely empty and silent park. I sit down at one of the unoccupied benches, every single noise—as small and ridiculous as they may be—scaring the living heck out of me. Ten minutes go by.

Then I hear it. The sound of an engine in the distance.