“Promise you won’t freak out,” Alex replies.

“That’s exactly what not to say to me if you don’t want me to freak out,” I blurt.

“Kendrick told us about what happened. He called us right after he dropped you off and… he was really angry. We had no way of knowing what he was going to do. He—” Alex cuts himself off.

“He what?” I insist.

“He went to find Tanner. Problem is, he wasn’t alone, and let’s just say it ended badly. Kendrick looks awful right now. He’ll have to crash at Blake’s until he doesn’t look like his face was used as a punching bag. We need you to cover for him.”

I can’t find the words to say how I feel, unable to get the images of me begging Kendrick not to do anything stupid before he left out of my head. Guilt washes over me. He went there to fight Tanner for what he did to me, and I know it technically isn’t my fault, but he wouldn’t have gotten hurt if it weren’t for me following Haze. He told me he was going to kill him. And I went shopping. I went shopping for God’s sake! I didn’t think he was serious.

I’m about to speak, but Will cuts me off, raising his finger in my direction. “And before you say no, just remember that Kendrick and Haze have a deal. If Maria sees her baby boy looking like he got ran over by a truck, Kendrick will have to break it, and you know what happens in the community when you break a deal? You’re considered a coward, and the prize is automatically given to the other person. In other words…”

“Haze,” I finish.

His words hit me pretty hard, and although I was going to help without this bit of information, it certainly doesn’t hurt in the motivation department.

I nod. “What do you need to me to do?”

“Just tell Maria he’s staying with me to uh… help me deal with depression or something,” Alex babbles.

“Why would you be depressed?”

“I don’t know. Because my cat died?”

I can’t hold back a small laugh. “Oh come on, there’s no way she’s buying that.”

“Just make up something. You girls are good at that kind of stuff.” Will shrugs.

“That kind of stuff? Like lying?”

“No. Talking shit.”

Will’s outstanding skills with the female population will never cease to impress me.

Alex hits the back of Will’s head quickly. “You really know how to convince a woman, don’t you?”

“Ouch.” Will winces, grinning.

“When can I see him?” I ask.

“He says he wants to wait until he’s better. He’ll give you a call when he’s ready,” Alex says.

“Here’s the plan. We set up a date tonight with Haze through your phone. All we need you to do is use your…” Alex pauses as if he’s looking for the words he could say not to sound like an asshole. “Charms to convince him not to tell everyone. The last thing we need is for our enemies to know our leader got beat up. We’re weak at the moment. You have no idea how many people would like to get rid of Kendrick.”

“You want me to convince him to cover up for his enemies? Are you kidding? Why the hell would he do me this favor?”

“Because he’s obsessed with you, duh,” Will exclaims like it’s the most obvious statement in the world.

“What Will is trying to say is that Haze’s the one who stopped Tanner and his fighters. He basically saved Kendrick and let him escape.”

I can’t stop my jaw from dropping. “He did what?”

“Believe me, we know.” Will makes a face, an obvious sign that he’s as confused as I am. “We got there just in time to get him out of there. When we realized what he had in mind, it was too late.”

I can’t stop a feeling of uncertainty from growing.

“This might be our best and only shot, Winter,” Alex says. “You might be the only one who can convince him. He definitely sees something in you.”