That’s when I know I’ve had enough.

I bite my lower lip and smile as I take a step forward. I get on the tips of my toes—since he’s a good six foot four of wannabe bad-boy attitude—and watch his face change as shock and surprise flash in his eyes. Quickly, it’s replaced by a satisfied smile.

When I lean in until my lips are next to his ear, the disbelief in his eyes is on display for the world to see. Then I whisper.

“Careful, Adams. Your last booty call is showing.”

His eyes widen as he brings his hand to his neck where Bianca’s fresh lipstick mark is waiting. I jump on the opportunity and disappear down the stairs. Diving deeper into the thick crowd of drunk teenagers, I’m unable to hold back a laugh. His face was priceless.

For someone who’s such a player…

He easily got played.

I NEVER WOULD’VE THOUGHT WHEN I entered this party that a red cup would turn out to be my only friend. So much for meeting new people, huh? Staring down at the bottom of the plastic cup in my hand, I lean back against the kitchen counter. Kass should be here by now. She said she’d be here in ten. Problem is, it’s been thirty minutes. Plus, my phone is almost dead, and I have no idea how I’ll contact anyone without it.

If these heels weren’t so painful, I’d be walking home right now. The clock on the wall reads 11:54. I can already hear Maria’s speech about missing the curfew. She’s been calling for the past twenty minutes, but I can’t bring myself to pick up. What could I possibly tell her? I’m sorry, I’m trying to go home, but I can’t find the others as they’re probably making out with people they just met or about to throw up?

“I’ve been looking everywhere for you.”

I jump, turning around to see who the voice belongs to.

Standing behind me is Blake. With one hand in his jeans pocket and the other holding a beer, he gives me the puppy eyes that clearly say please don’t still be mad at me. The alcohol in my system is probably to blame for how happy I am to see him right now. I was angry at him. But now? I’m just relieved to see someone I know.

“Where have you been?” He leans on the counter next to me.

“You know, here and there. Desperately looking for a familiar face.” I try a joke but can’t even muster a smile.

“How’s that working out for you?”

I draw a breath. “Not well.”

“Listen. I’m sorry for earlier. I shouldn’t have lied to you.”

“Don’t worry about it. I might have overreacted. It’s none of my business. I’m sure you had your reasons for breaking up with Kass. It’s just… I know what’s it like to have someone leave without an explanation, so it hit close to home. Plus, you really need to tell Kendrick.” I take a sip of my drink.

“You’re right. I’ll talk to him. I’ll talk to both of them. I promise. I’m just waiting for the right moment.” He looks down, clearly anticipating Kendrick’s reaction. “So, we’re okay?”

I let our eyes meet, unsure. He truly seems sorry.


He’s about to speak when the loudest noise I have ever heard cuts him off. Distant screams and footsteps make it clear that something is happening. I jump, my heart crawling up my throat.

What the hell is this?

Blake and I exchange looks, frowning.

“Cops! Everybody out!”

People start running, pushing each other carelessly as they try to get out of the house. How could I not see that one coming? The music is so loud the entire neighborhood probably can’t sleep. Plus, the amount of underage drinking in this place is unbelievable. When I finally take my eyes off the madness unraveling before me, I look to my left at Blake. Let me rephrase that—I look to my left where Blake should be.

He’s gone. In the blink of an eye. He left me. How did he manage to disappear so fast? I have no idea. My mind starts racing as I try to think of a logical explanation. What do I do?

“What the hell are you waiting for? Move,” a deep voice says.

I barely have time to recognize Haze Adams standing tall next to me. Where the hell did he come from?

He grabs my arm and starts running, dragging me along with him against my will. I desperately try to keep up, my feet hurting so bad I curse the day heels were invented.