“Can I just ask what you were thinking following us?” he asks. He gives me a look that clearly says what’s wrong with you.

“Not that my cousin was going to a creepy meeting with Haze Adams, obviously.” I shrug. “Look at me. Two weeks in Florida and I’m already hanging out with criminals.”

“Not trying to make it worse, but you live with one, too."

“You’re totally making it worse.” I put my hands up.

“I think I know why you followed us.” He pauses, his eyes scanning the almost empty beach as we walk.

“You do?”

“The danger. The thrill. The mystery. You had to know what Kendrick was lying about. You know what they say—we want what we can’t have. It’s way better when it’s forbidden.”

I look down at my feet and mentally curse.

He’s right.

And I hate it.

WHEN BLAKE’S CAR PULLS UP IN Maria’s driveway, I’m relieved to see Kendrick isn’t home yet. I have a feeling he wouldn’t approve of me skipping school, especially with Blake. Kassidy’s red car, however, is already neatly parked in her usual spot. She beat Kendrick home as always. I reach for my backpack and unbuckle my seat belt.

“Thanks for taking me to the beach. I needed it.” I smile and open the door.

“Hold on.” He grabs my arm gently.

I turn around, analyzing his face. His eyes are a dark shade of blue. Deep, sharp. They remind me of the ocean on a rainy day. He’s cute. But I don’t have it in me to get any more involved in Kendrick’s mess. He’s kind. He’s friendly. That’s as far as I’ll allow myself to go.

“You coming to the party tonight?”

Remembering the conversation I overheard in English class, I know he’s talking about Bianca Reed’s party.

“A party? As in a real one—no dark alley and creepy meeting?” I tease.

He grins. “It’s a real one this time. I promise.”

I’m about to open my mouth to decline, but he cuts me off.

“And before you try and make up an excuse, no, you don’t have to be invited. Everybody just shows up. And yes, Haze will probably be there because he’s invited everywhere, but that doesn’t mean we’ll let him anywhere near you. Now you can answer,” he says, satisfied.

I sigh. Am I really that predictable? He’s right though. I was going to make up an excuse. I did have specific plans tonight: do absolutely nothing while watching my favorite TV shows for the billionth time and eating a bunch of crap I’m going to feel guilty about later.

“All right, all right. Count me in.”

Blake smiles victoriously. I step out of the car and shut the door behind me. He rolls down the window and hits me with a brief “Pick you up at nine” before his car is nothing but a small dot in the distance.

I push the front door open, sending my bag flying down the hall as I kick off both my shoes in a swift movement. In the kitchen is Kassidy. Sitting on one of the stools surrounding the marble counter, she’s eating cereal.

I can’t seem to hide the joy in my face. Overall, today’s been a good day.

“Hey, stranger. What are you so happy about?” she asks.

“That obvious, huh?” I make my way to the fridge and grab a water bottle.

“As obvious as an elephant in yoga class,” she mocks. “Come on, spill the beans.” She gets up to put her bowl in the sink.

“Fine. I’m going to a party tonight. Who knows? I might meet people who see more when they look at me than the girl who looked Haze Adams in the eyes,” I say, making fun of the ridiculous reputation my first day in school owed me.

“Someone invited you to Bianca’s party?”