“I wish. Maria would kill me if she found out I was skipping.”

Blake’s smile doesn’t budge. I have the feeling that he knows something I don’t.

“Who said you were skipping?”

FEELING THE SAND IN BETWEEN MY toes is officially a “must do” I never knew I had on my Florida bucket list. No, scratch that—on my bucket list, period. Blake took me to the beach. For the first time, as we’re walking on the shore, I feel free. Like nothing—not even Haze Adams—could possibly hurt me.

“This is amazing. Why haven’t I come here earlier?” I look at the calm and clear water on my right.

“Because you didn’t have me in your life, duh.” He smiles, revealing his white and aligned teeth.

“I can’t believe you got someone to call the school and justify my absence.”

“This girl owed me one. Don’t worry about it.”

“I sure don’t miss snow.” I close my eyes for a brief moment, letting the sun rays caress my skin.

“I hear you.” He nods. “So, how are you feeling about the fight? Not too nervous?”

“Of course I am. But I try not to think about it. If I let myself think about all the horrible scenarios that could happen for just one second, I’ll lose my mind.” I laugh faintly.

“We have to win. God, even if we lose, I’m not sure Kendrick will let Haze spend a second with you.”

“He won’t have a choice.”

Blake sighs, running a nervous hand through his hair. “I don’t think you realize how dangerous Haze is.”

“Says the street gang member. You’re just as dangerous as far as I’m concerned, Mr. East Side.”

My statement seems to amuse him. “Trust me, I’m nothing compared to Haze Adams.”

“He wouldn’t actually…” I pause. “Try anything, would he?” Images of Haze’s lips colliding with mine flash through my mind. I push the thought aside, trying to ignore the conflicted feelings washing over me.

I need to sanitize my brain for thinking that.

“Oh, God no. Haze isn’t that type of guy. He doesn’t need to force the ladies if you know what I mean.”

I wince.

“Oh, come on. Deep down, you must find him a tiny bit attractive

. Even if it’s just a little. No girl hates Haze Adams forever. They all fall under his spell eventually.” He shrugs. “I guess girls like bad boys, huh?”

“Really? Have fun being a single mom.”

As soon as the words escape my lips, Blake explodes with laughter, and I can’t help but join in.

“God, Winter, where have you been all my life?” he says in between chuckles.

Although I tried to deny it, it’s become quite obvious that he’s flirting. Blake is a great guy, but getting involved with one of Kendrick’s fighters is the last thing I want right now. I’m already way more involved in Kendrick’s world than I want to be. Not to mention that my cousin won’t let any of his friends date his sister, and I’m guessing that bro code also applies to me.

According to what Kendrick told me a couple of days ago, Alex and Kassidy dated for a while against Kendrick’s better judgment. He was afraid it would put Kass in danger. And so every girl in the family is off-limits to his friends.

“So… Alex and Kass, huh?” I change the topic. “I heard they used to be a thing.”

“Yeah. They were. But not anymore. They broke up. Something about Kendrick disapproving of their relationship.” He seems slightly uncomfortable. Perhaps he doesn’t like being reminded of the code he’s currently trying to break.

I look straight ahead at the mesmerizing sea.