Zac: Cops showed up and she was going to get caught. We let her hide with us.

Love: Oooh, is she pretty?

What? I had to ask. Anxiety stirring in my gut, I stare at my screen, waiting for his reply, which takes forever and a day to come. Twenty minutes later, my screen lights up with a new message.

Zac: Very.

I probably shouldn’t be this happy. Just like I shouldn’t be giggling like a twelve-year-old girl, but I can’t help myself.

Then he texts me again.

And the smile evaporates from my face.

Zac: But in an unassuming, unconfident way.

Is that really what he thinks of me?

That I’m insecure?


I mean… he’s not wrong.

Shut up, Inner Vee.

Love: And is that your type? Girls who hide?

Five minutes go by before he answers.

Zac: No.

My stomach sinks faster than a herd of elephants walking on thin ice.

Zac: At least, not usually.

Not usually?

I don’t get the chance to ask before he adds,

Zac: It’s going to sound batshit crazy but I realized something tonight.

Love: What?

Zac: Remember when I said no girl could ever keep my attention?

Love: Yeah?

My heart flutters with anticipation.

Zac: I think I was wrong.


I’ll always wonder if he killed himself because of me. – Love

* * *

Zac: Damn, L… I was not expecting that.