Page 52 of Yours Truly, Cammie

Wrong. I wasn’t fooling anyone. I was hooked on Luke and even when he did leave tomorrow, I knew I would still be worried regardless of whether we reconciled or not. I cared about him, even if I was angry.

And I was definitely still angry. The anger was still there on the surface, lying right on top of anxiety over the fact that he was going back to Afghanistan.

Three loud bangs on my door had me squealing and falling off my couch with a loud thump.

My heart was straining in my chest as I lay on the ground like a fucking Ninja. I knew it wasn’t JoJo at my door; we had just talked a few hours ago and she was still in Raleigh with Ryan. That meant it was Luke. I pressed my face flat on the floor, thanking God that I’d shut my blinds so he couldn’t peek through the window.

I looked over at the clock. It was four p.m.; he would be gone tomorrow at this time.

Three more loud bangs ricocheted off my door, then his rough voice muffled through it, “Cammie, open up!”

“No!” I yelled, still lying on the floor in my robe. Okay, so sue me. I was wallowing in my robe with a half-eaten pizza on my coffee table with Twilight possibly playing on the TV.

“I swear to God, I will break the door down; don’t tempt me.”

I thought for a second…he was a Marine, which meant that he could definitely break down the door if he wanted to. Hm, I think I’d like to see him try.

“Go right ahead.”

A pregnant pause passed and I thought that maybe he’d given up. I started to inch up on my hands and knees, but then slammed my body back down to the floor when I heard a jingling noise. My eyebrows folded inward as my gaze landed on the doorknob…which was twisting ever so slowly.

Before I knew it, the door swung open and Luke stepped inside my house. My mouth was open wide, and when he found me on the floor, he tilted his head and let out an exasperated sigh.

“What’re you doing?” he mumbled, raising one eyebrow. I tried really hard not to focus on how perfect he looked with that tiny scar in between his raised eyebrows, but I fell a little short.

“Just checkin’ out the floor,” I answered, resting my forehead on the coolness of the wood.

“Cammie,” he whispered and I suddenly found myself maturing during the next three seconds, so I slid up on my hands and knees and stood slowly, adjusting my robe so that I could hide all my body parts. I mean, I hadn’t expected company, so the fact that I was completely commando underneath my cotton robe was totally acceptable.

His eyes filtered over my body and I felt myself involuntarily squeeze my legs s

hut. Great, now that I had actually had his dick inside me, it was all I wanted. I’d never tried drugs before, but I was guessing that Luke’s dick had very similar addictive qualities.

Luke stalked towards me, so I stepped backwards, all the way until my back hit the wall. Damn you, tiny house!

He stood before me, towering with a glint of helplessness in his eyes. We stood there, inches apart, both of our chests rising rapidly. Should I slap him? Or should I kiss him? Fuck, make up your mind, Cammie.

Slap, it is.

I raised my right hand, preparing to smack him in the face, but he caught it just centimeters before I felt his skin on my palm. He held my wrist softly and lowered his eyes toward me. I tried to whip my wrist out of his grasp, but he tightened his grip. His eyes fell to my lips and my eyes did the same.

The air crackled with an angry tightness and the only way I knew how to release it was to either push him away or pull him in closer. He must have had the same thought because when his lips touched mine, I instantly melted into his body.

He quickly let go of my wrist and I jumped up, wrapping my legs around his waist. His hands were in my hair, pulling and tugging just as I was doing to his. He groaned and I moaned. We sucked on each other’s mouths until they were swollen and puffy. He quickly yet softly lowered my body to the hardwood floor and ripped the shirt off his back.

I ran my fingers down his defined muscles and stifled a moan. He peeled the robe off my shoulders, quickly untying the thin string that was tied so loosely in the front. When he saw that I was completely naked underneath, his eyes widened and he dipped down to suck on my breast at the same time his bare palm grabbed my thigh.

My hand found his loose shorts and I reached my hand inside, taking his length in my palm and stroking it up and down.

Luke sat up quickly and pulled a condom out of his wallet, ripping the foil packet open with his teeth, and then he was in me within seconds. It was quick and painful at first, but the pain was quickly masked by pleasure.

“It wasn’t a one-time thing, Cammie,” he said hoarsely, thrusting into me hard and fast.

His arm was wrapped behind my lower back, protecting me from the floor, and I moved underneath him, needing to feel the release one last time.

My voice was barely audible, “You’ve had me hooked from the beginning, Luke.” In between his thrusts, I could feel my heart attaching itself to his.

I already missed him and he wasn’t even gone yet.