Page 34 of Yours Truly, Cammie

We stood there, side by side for a few moments, pretending we didn’t hear the ceremony going on inside the large ballroom. I winced when I heard the speaker say Alex’s name and averted my eyes to stare at the red, carpeted floor.

“Are you going to get in trouble for ditching out on the ceremony?” I asked, while still keeping my eyes trained on the floor.

“Nah,” he said, propping himself against the opposite wall.

I narrowed my eyes as I brought them up to his face.

“My commanding officer will understand. I gotta take care of my girl…” His cheek lifted on one side, and I rolled my eyes.

“You’re relentless, Luke. I was totally ready to have a good time with Jett…” I growled.

“Oh, come on Cammie.” Luke crossed his arms against his chest, and the medals on his uniform jingled.

“Come on what?” I questioned.

“You and I both know that you would rather be here with me than with Broker…”

My stomach dipped. “Whatever.”

“Good comeback, Doc.”

I scowled, ready to come up with something else to say to him, but he interrupted me. “At least I can admit it.”

I gave him dirty look. “Admit what?”

“That I want you.”

Hold the fucking phone. What?

I stuttered, “Wai—what?” I crossed my arms after I pushed off the wall. “Luke, you have a different girl at your house, like, every week. You don’t want me.”

He rolled his eyes dramatically. “I don’t know if you’ve noticed but I haven’t had a girl at my house for quite a while now.”

I repeated myself, “You don’t want me, Luke.” He doesn’t.

He scoffed. “Yeah, just like you don’t want me.”

I grimaced. “I don’t!” Even I could hear the distress in my voice. I couldn’t even fool myself; how could I expect to fool him?

“If that’s what you have to keep telling yourself…”

I ignored him and walked over to an empty chair and slowly sank down in it, literally afraid my tight dress would rip if I made any fast movements. Luke strode over and sat right beside me, placing his arm around the back of my chair.

No words were spoken the entire time we sat there, but the atmosphere was definitely filled with our swirling thoughts. Both of our tense postures clouded the attraction and lust swimming between our bodies, making it evident to us and no one else.

I wanted him.

He wanted me.

Now, which one of us would cave first?


The guest speaker only talked for mayb

e fifteen more minutes before the Marine Corps band’s musical talent filled the ballroom and the ceremony ended. The band members exited through the doors, one by one, marching with their instruments and flags.

It only took seconds for JoJo to swarm out of the room, right behind them, with her gold, chiffon dress swaying behind her.