Page 32 of Yours Truly, Cammie

“I am so sorry, Jett. I will pay for you to get your pants dry-cleaned.” I placed my glas

s back on the table and started to wipe off his pants, when he chuckled.

“It’s really okay, Cammie. See, no harm done.” Jett gestured to his pants. Thankfully, I’d been drinking white wine instead of red. Otherwise I would have just died.

“Oh, good. I’m so sorry. I’m just… off tonight.” I gave him a weak smile. I heard JoJo snicker beside me, so I took my nude left heel and kicked her under the table.

She “umphed’” quietly and then whispered, “Here comes trouble…”

I glanced up and just like that, I felt trapped. Amused green eyes stared at me from a few yards away and I had to hide my smile. When his eyes slid over to Jett, then made their way back to my face, he lifted one eyebrow up and grimaced. His mouth was drawn into a straight line. He didn’t fool me, though; his eyes still sparkled with a mischievous glare.

“Hey, Luke!” JoJo yelled over at him and I almost smacked her.

“What are you doing?” I hissed.

She wiggled her perfect eyebrows at me, and I felt my heart catch in my throat when Luke sauntered over to our table, smiling the entire time.

“Hello, JoJo,” he said, then nodded at Ryan.

“Hey, Doc.”

He looked over at me and winked. And now the color of my face matched the color of my dress. Get yourself together, Cammie. Think bad thoughts; he’s ugly…Okay, that’s not gonna work…let’s think true thoughts… He…has a despicable mouth on him that could do all sorts of naughty things to you. Mmhm.

“Doc?” Jett looked over at me. “You’re a doctor?”

“You don’t even know what her profession is, Broker?” Luke gave Jett a deathly stare and my head bounced back and forth between the two of them.


“We only just met tonight, Luke. Back off.”

“Ah, so that’s why he doesn’t really know about us.”

My mouth dropped open. Oh my God. Not this again.

“We are not a thing! Stop saying that,” I shrieked.

I glanced over at JoJo and Ryan who were both squeezing their mouths together, keeping their laughter at bay.

“Wait, what? A thing? I didn’t know.”

Jett started to back his chair away from the table, but I smacked my hand on his leg, right on the spot that I’d spilled my wine.

“He and I are not a thing, Jett,” I said, staring daggers into Luke’s forehead.

Luke’s gaze traveled down to my hand on Jett’s leg, and then he snapped his attention back to me. His jaw was clenched and his gaze narrowed. Hah!

Unfortunately, I wasn’t the strongest person in the world, because Jett casually got up anyway, letting my hand fall to my side.

“Thanks, man,” Luke said. “Cammie loves to play tricks on people…here, go take my seat.”

My mouth was still open as I watched Luke point to his table. He slapped Jett on the back when he walked away, and Jett didn’t even look back in my direction. He couldn’t have gotten away faster if he’d tried.

“I hate you,” I spat when Luke sat down beside me.

He cheeks widened, showcasing that cunning smile. I reached over and pinched his thigh as hard as I could. He only laughed, and then I resorted to pouting like a five-year-old with my arms crossed over my chest, fists clenched.

JoJo and Ryan turned their backs on me to have their own conversation, and I wanted to pinch them, too.