Page 68 of Yours Truly, Cammie

“Cammie,” his voice was like the aloe to my burn, which was ironic considering he was the one who burned me to begin with.

“Luke.” my voice was even steadier than my face.

“We need to talk.”

I smiled, “Go right ahead… I’m all ears.”

He looked around, pleading with me, “Not here. Let’s go somewhere else.”

I also looked around. People were trying to pretend like they were wrapped up in their own conversations, but I knew better. They were rubbernecking without the actual rubbernecking part.

“Nope. I like it right here.”

JoJo and Ryan scooted a little further back and I kind of felt like Luke and I were about to throw down. Just toss the pair of us into a fighting ring and it’d be a damn good show.

He crossed his arms and growled. “Fine.” I raised my eyebrows, maintaining my strong façade.

“Ash was my wife.” He paused. “I had been waiting for the divorce papers for months. She finally signed them a few weeks after I left, after my lawyer informed her that I was about to sue her.” His eyes darkened a bit. “You would have known that if you hadn’t deleted your fucking email.”

I was appalled. How dare he act angry with me? I clenched my teeth tightly together, grinding my molars back and forth. “That doesn’t change a single thing, Luke.”

His expression baffled me, several different emotions all coming together to form what seemed like an even-tempered face in the end.

“What? Why doesn’t that change anything, Cammie? I’m not married, anymore!” he shouted, and now people really were looking.

I felt my heart cringe, reminding me that it was this extremely fragile, little thing in my chest that truly hurt.

“The key word is… anymore.” I walked closer to him and took my right index finger and pushed it on his chest. “You made me the other woman… and you lied to me.”

He looked down at my finger and tried to grab my hand. I pulled it away fast.

“I didn’t lie to you!”

My mouth gaped. “Are you really that dense? Not telling me you were legally marri

ed… to a very pregnant woman, I might add, and then…” I stopped for a beat, looking around at our audience. “Well, you know the rest! That’s pretty damn close to lying, Lucas.”

His shoulders slumped. “It’s not my baby, Cammie.”

“I don’t care. You’re not who I thought you were.” I stormed past him and walked to the front door, holding it open. His brows furrowed when he found me standing there.

“Either you leave, or I do,” I shouted over the music.

He straightened his shoulders. “I’m not leaving without you…”

My breathing felt shallow, but my body was hyped on adrenaline.

“Fine. Bye.” I turned around on my heeled boots and marched myself down the tree-lined street. A gust of wind flew through the nightly air, rustling the leaves around me. I crossed my arms over my body, holding back a shiver.

He thought this was another one of our games.

But he was wrong.

This wasn’t a game anymore, because I’d already lost.


I was waiting for Luke to come marching over to my house and demand that I open my door to talk to him, but all I got was radio silence. It was the first time I had been at my house for almost a week and it felt good to be back and surrounded by my own things, but every time I glanced over at Luke’s that night, I didn’t see a single light on…and that bothered me.