Page 12 of Yours Truly, Cammie

t? You are not meeting my date!” I exclaimed, as I placed my hands back on my slender waist.

“Yes, I am,” he said casually, but I heard the sharp tone lingering at the end.

I snarled, “No, you are not.”

“You get to meet all my dates, so it’s only fair that I get to meet yours.”

“I don’t meet your dates! Plus, I wouldn’t even want to. They’ve gotta be some type of crazy to be going out with you.”

The laughter from the group beside us got louder, and I smiled on the inside. That’s right, take that!

“I’ll see you later, Cammie.” He smiled the most conniving smile that I had ever seen in my life.

As soon as he was out of earshot, I looked over at JoJo’s furrowed brows.

“Get me a date tonight. I don’t care who; just get me a freaking date.”

I bit my lip and watched as Luke sauntered away towards his incredibly sleek car. The younger Marines trailed behind him, like he was the freaking Pope.

“Whatever you say…” she said.

I craned my head back towards her.

“When I said ‘I don’t care who,’ I meant anyone but the caveman.”

JoJo laughed and her eyes twinkled with mischief.

This ought to be interesting.


When I opened my front door to two beautiful, crystal blue eyes, I couldn’t breathe. I blinked my eyes rapidly, expecting some giant flaw to pop out from this guy with his hands in the front pockets of his tailored blue suit, but nothing stood out. He was hot. Like, on-freaking-fire-hot.

“Cammie?” he asked, raising his dark eyebrows.

I stuttered, “Uh, yes. Hi.”

The man’s wide smile filled his face, and then he leaned in and kissed my cheek. He smelled amazing, like aftershave and cologne. Oh my God.

“It’s nice to meet you. I’m Jason.”

“Hi,” I said again, feeling flustered.

JoJo had outdone herself. This guy was infinitely better looking than all the other blind dates I’ve had put together. I mean, I think my mouth was literally watering. If he asked me to sleep with him, right there on the spot, I wouldn’t even have to think about it. Yes. The answer would be yes.

“Are you ready to go? I made us reservations at the Rooftop.”

My eyes smiled for me. The Rooftop…it was the most romantic restaurant here in New Bern. I’ve only ever been there to eat during the day, in their small lunch café. The riveting part of the restaurant was the actual Rooftop part, which overlooked the Neuse River. It was lined with those adorable, little, twinkly lights, and they even offered handcrafted wine from their local winery. It was breathtaking, and I’d always admired the top part of the restaurant from my back deck late at night, where I could see the lights sparkling through the vast darkness.

I smiled. “Wow, that’s fancy.”

I decided I was totally buying JoJo a coffee from the corner café tomorrow and taking it to her shop, because not only had she set me up with the most handsome man I’ve ever been on a date with, but she also dropped by an outfit for me to wear. I’d guessed we were going somewhere fancy with the light pink, flowy dress and heels, but I’d hadn’t realized it would be the Rooftop.

“Well, from what JoJo said about you, I wanted to make sure I really wowed you so I can take you out again.”

He grinned at me and I swooned, right there on the spot.

I could feel the warmth beginning to set throughout my body.