Page 59 of Truth

I paused, feeling the blood drain from my face. “I’m not.”

Reid pulled the sweater out of my clenched fingers before I could even fathom what he was doing. I huffed, feeling one hundred percent exposed standing in my leggings and bra. That was it. I had on a thin, lacy bralette and leggings.

It was almost as bad as when he walked in on me naked.


Reid’s fingers brushed along my side where the yellowing bruise was fading. His fingers were rough along my smooth skin. Goosebumps rose along every inch of my body as he caressed my side with the softest of touches. My breath caught in my chest, and suddenly, I was feeling even more exposed than before.

I stayed eerily still as he lingered over my kidney scar, running his thumb along its rough ridges. “What’s this?” he whispered, his breath sweeping over my shoulder.

My heart was thumping, and blood was rushing to the deepest places of my body. “Noth… nothing,” I stuttered, barely able to form a sentence.

“You said you weren’t hurt. This bruise is from the other night, yeah?”

I nodded once, trying to keep my breathing normal. Reid’s warm hand was still on my side, his fingers sweeping over the bruise again and again, causing my legs to tremble. I realized I had been holding my breath when Reid stepped back out of my personal space and I let all the air out of my lungs, almost gasping.

He had to have known he just affected me, because the way his eyes lingered on my body had him holding his breath, too. Lust was simmering throughout, the room crackling with electricity as if fireworks were seconds from exploding all around us.


“Should I call the doctor again?” he asked abruptly, turning on his heel and walking over to the door.

Thank God. Keep walking away. Give me some space to breathe. My life literally depends on it.

“No, I’m fine. She checked me out again at the last show, just to be sure I was okay. It’s just a bad bruise.”

“Are you sure?” he asked with his back still turned toward me.

“I’m sure.”

Reid nodded. I watched from behind as his back muscles stretched along his tight t-shirt, his broad shoulders rising and falling as he took several deep breaths. I had just quickly thrown the thin sweater over my head, ignoring what had just happened, when he said, “Meet me in the kitchen when you’re ready.”

I sighed. “Okay.” And then I turned around to look at myself in the mirror as he left the room completely. I took one glance at my flushed cheeks and full-of-life eyes and shook my head.

Reid King was doing something to me, and I wasn’t okay with it.

Or was I?


A few minutes later, I tiptoed down the hallway and into the kitchen as quiet as a mouse and then stopped in my tracks. “Are you… cooking?” I blurted, smelling a delicious mixture of fresh basil and garden vegetables. My mouth filled with drool, and that was totally because of the tasty scent wafting throughout the kitchen, and not at all because of Reid looking as if he belonged in some type of magazine. His dark, chocolatey hair was unruly and out of place, making him appear relaxed. His strong jaw formed a sharp right angle as he peered down into a pot over the stove. My eyes traced the strong muscles on his forearm as they moved languidly back and forth, stirring something over and over again.

“I am,” Reid intoned, not looking over at me.

I slid onto the barstool behind the large island. “What a sight,” I mused sarcastically. “Should I take a picture and post it online with the caption: ‘Not only can Reid King sing like a god, but he can cook, too?’ Girls all around the world will be fainting.”

Reid snickered as he flashed a devil-like grin my way. “Maybe you should wait to eat before you post anything.” Then he turned back around, stirring more. “But just so we’re clear, don’t post that. It’s the last thing I need.”

I laughed. “I don’t even have a social media account, so we’re good.”

Reid turned around with a kitchen utensil in his hand. It looked so small compared to his large palm. “Why?”

I shrugged. “I don’t want people in my business.”

Reid stood back and nodded, giving me an understanding look. “I get that. I wish people would stay out of my business.”

I kicked my legs underneath the island. “You’re one of the most private celebrities I know.”