Page 45 of Truth

Rod looked at me softly, the tired lines on his forehead evening out. “No… I’ve definitely talked you up a good bit, but you’ve gotta give me something to get them off my back. Otherwise, they’re gonna be speaking directly to Reid, and you and I both know he doesn’t like being told what to do.”

I snorted. “Yeah, I know. He’s a bit of a brat.”

Rod laughed, but his relaxed face turned serious again. His back was as straight as a steel rod. “Do you have anything?”

It only took me half a second to panic. Reid crumpled up every bit of work he did yesterday. He’d snatch the pen and paper out of my hand, scribble something down, and then play the same chords again, trying his hardest to get into the jive of the words he’d written and the tune he was playing. But then, he’d get frustrated, crumple up the paper, and throw the wad across the room.

Those pieces of paper were long gone now.

I let out a heavy breath, nerves eating away at my stomach, and walked over to my bag. I pulled out my torn and ratty notebook, the one that I’d had for years and years, and I hurriedly wrote down the same words I’d bravely sung in front of Reid yesterday.

We met in chaos, oh, sweet chaos.

I promised I wouldn’t give in to you, even if just for a few.

Oh, sweet chaos.

I gave into you, for more than just a few.

Oh, sweet chaos.

I was consumed, and you were too.

“Here,” I said, thrusting the piece of paper into Rod’s hands. “Tell them this is a work in progress. We’re adding more to the beginning verse and working on the melody that goes along with it.”

Rod eagerly took the paper and held it to his chest as he looked up to the ceiling as if it were a gift from God. Nope, just a gift from me.

I held my breath as his hands wrapped around the torn sheet, his eyes scanning the words I’d written down. Then, his mouth drew upward, and he smiled. “This is perfect. Sounds like a typical Reid King song—raw, unforgiving, a bit depressing.”

I laughed, feeling a little relieved that Rod bought it. Rod thought the words I’d come up with in my own head were actually words from Reid King. Wow.

I just hoped that Reid would be as thankful as Rod was.

“Thank you, Brooklyn,” Rod said before turning on his heel and walking back to the door. He looked over his shoulder with a glimmer in his eye. “I’m glad you’re on tour with us. I wasn’t certain it was a good idea at first, but it was. You’re going to be the one to get him back on track.”

“How do you know?” I asked as his hand turned the knob.

He cocked a smile my way. “Because he’s starting to care again.”

Then he walked out and left me standing there, confused as ever.

Reid was starting to care about what? Writing? Music? Life? Me? Certainly not the last one. That was as farfetched as it got—Mr. Let Me Piss Brooklyn Off And Drag Her To A Stupid Party.

I wrung my hands out a few times before looking back in the mirror. I was getting jumpy. I grew more nervous as time passed. Hurry the hell up, Reid! I wanted this night to be over as soon as possible. I snatched my phone and reread Jane’s last text message, which was more of a pump-me-up kind of message, because I may have freaked out about going to the party.

Jane: Relax, Brooklyn. Yes, there will be plenty of famous people there, but just breathe. People love you from the moment they first meet you. Just pretend they’re normal people. You should be seasoned at being around famous people by now anyway. I mean, you have been on a bus with Reid King for a few weeks and you seem to be doing okay. Just have a drink when you get there. One drink won’t hurt you. Plus, I have a BIG feeling you’ll be just fine. ;)

I texted back and asked how on earth she knew I’d be fine, and I wanted to know what was up with the winky-face emoji, but she never responded. I threw my phone into my black clutch and held it with a tight grip.

Just then, another knock sounded on my door. Finally! He probably took his sweet time because he knew I’d be in here stressing out!

I hurriedly walked over to the door, my heels clicking on the floor with pure rage. I swung the door open, huffing and puffing. Then my mouth fell open, and I gasped.


Jane’s bright-blue eyes widened, and then she whistled. “Damnnnnn, you look hot!”

I was stunned. My mouth continued to open and close, and then she snapped her fingers in my face. “Breathe, Brooklyn!”