Page 39 of Truth

She laughed, too. “We can’t all be on a friend basis with him like you, lucky one.”

I pulled back, my expression a clear indication of my denial. “I’m not friends with him. We’re just… colleagues?” What were Reid and I?

“Yeah, well, I’ve never seen someone dive off a stage to save their colleague. Some of my co-workers would turn the other way and then address my wounds later as some extra practice.”

He dove off the stage?

The thought was ripped away as I sucked in air when the doctor pressed on my left side. She slowly lifted my flannel shirt up and then snapped her mascara-laden eyes up to mine. “You’ve had a nephrectomy.”

I nodded curtly. “I’m fine.”

“You donated to someone?”

I swallowed before answering. “My sister.”

“Does it hurt right here?” She pressed her cool fingers to my side, moving right along where I knew my only kidney rested.

“Not really. It hurts a little lower—probably where the guy accidently stepped on me.”

The doctor continued to press along my skin, waiting for a reaction of some sort. Then she ran her cool fingers over to my tiny scars and raised her eyebrows. “Whoever did your surgery, did a great job on the stitching.”

I nodded my head and smiled, but worry was eating away at me. “You think it’s okay?”

She slowly pulled my shirt down and smiled warmly. “I don’t think you have anything to worry about. I think you’re right; you’re just sore from where he accidently stepped on you, and you’ll likely bruise, but if you have any unusual symptoms in the next few weeks, you need to get it checked out immediately.”

“What kind of symptoms?” I asked, sitting up a little further and adjusting my shirt.

She blew air out of her mouth as she packed up her things. “Any severe pain, lethargy, extreme nausea, or throwing up—anything like that. Are you still on supplements?”

I shook my head no, and she grimaced.

“I have a feeling that Reid is going to want you to get checked out even further at the hospital, just to make sure the injury didn’t affect the kidney. To make sure things are still working as they should.”

I quickly shouted, “No! I’m fine.”

Her face was stern. “He’s going to insist.”

My body felt hot. “Please… don’t tell him.”

She furrowed her brow. “Why?” Then she took a step back, eyeing me. “He doesn’t know?”

I rolled my eyes as I stood. “I told you, we’re not friends, and he doesn’t really know much about me, and to be honest, I’d like to keep it that way. Plus, I…” I swallowed, feeling embarrassed. “I really can’t afford to go to the hospital to get more tests. I feel fine.”

Her azure eyes softened. “I’m sure Reid will pay…”

My eyes grew wide. “Absolutely not!” I’d rather chew my arm off than have him pay for me. “You can’t tell him!” I all but yelled. “Doctor’s confidentiality and all that.”

The doctor’s mouth split into two, then she shook her head gently. “Fine, I won’t tell him, but please, if you have any issues, any pain… any of the symptoms that I listed…” She reached into her bag and pulled out a small card. “Call me, okay? I can check on you during the next show, but in the future, feel free to call me, okay?”

I smiled. “Thank you, I… I really appreciate it.”

“Of course, not friend of Reid King.”

Then she turned on her heel and walked out the door.

Reid King and me, friends?

No way.