Page 15 of Truth

Ha. Ha. Ha. Nice hotel—aka, tour bus with the King of Music and his bandmates who were like a bunch of children. No, seriously. They got back last night after going to dinner and woke me up from all their hooting and hollering. I was asleep on the couch, curled in a little ball, too annoyed with Reid—who was nowhere to be seen when I’d gotten back from walking to a nearby food truck—to ask where I was supposed to sleep. So instead, I just slept on the couch. It made for a wonderful night of sleep.

Apparently, Reid got the big bed in the back of the bus, and then there were bunks in the small hallway by the bathroom. I opted to stay on the couch because I could hear the guys snoring within seconds of their heads hitting their pillows. I was already counting down the days until we got to stay at a hotel for the night—usually after a show. It just depended on the schedule, according to Carissa, but I was hoping it was soon or else I’d have to get used to this new… lifestyle. I was already having a hard time dealing with Reid’s brooding scowl. He was the complete opposite of Jackson and Finn. It was like getting whiplash being around the three of them.


…” I started to mumble at my sister’s curious face. “I’m in a broom closet near the conference room of a hotel.” I quickly did the time-difference math in my head. “We’re just getting back from lunch, about to start some more training.”

LIE. LIE. LIE. But it was a good one, right?

“Jesus, let her go, Cara,” Jack yelled from somewhere in the background. “Your sister is hiding out in a closet to talk to you.”

Cara laughed at Jack and then rolled her eyes. “Fine, just text me later, okay?”

I smiled and nodded. “Okay, kiss kiss love you sis.”

She grinned. “Kiss kiss love you sis.” Then she hung up the phone.

I blew air out of my mouth as I checked my phone really quick before gathering my wits since I was about to watch my first ever, live show of the Reid King soon.

Gah. Just thinking about him and our conversation yesterday made goosebumps rise on my arms. I was proud of myself, though. I didn’t let his sultry looks and soul-catching eyes rub off on me. I held my own. To be honest, I was kind of a badass to a man that made the majority of women fall over like fainting goats on the daily. I didn’t know what came over me, but something did. My nerves disappeared the second he started being snarky. And in their place came anger and that sassiness my father said I developed at age three.

Mr. I-Don’t-Need-Your-Help, my ass. And to think he was gone by the time I got back to the tour bus.

The spoon and notebook were gone, too, though. So that was something, right?

Just as I heard the guys come back onto the tour bus, my phone vibrated in my hand with a text from Jane.

Jane: How is it going? Have you dropped your panties yet?

Me: No panty-dropping here. Reid King is a complete asshole, and I’m almost certain this is a waste of time.

She texted back instantly as I leaned my back against the bathroom door.

Jane: Nothing is a waste of time for the amount of money you’re getting.


Jane: Have you gotten that whole face-reddening thing under control? I haven’t met Reid, but I know how famous people are. *eye roll emoji*

Another text.

Jane: I have faith in you. You’re the truest, kindest person I know. If anyone can show someone how to put their heart into something… it’s you.

I smiled as I typed.

Me: I love you.

Jane: I love you, too. Now go get to work. I need my bestie back. Laters. Xo.

I shut down my phone and took a few even breaths before putting on my game face and exiting the tour bus. A few more hours until the show started. A few more hours until I saw Reid King in action.

I didn’t want to be excited, but I was.

I wanted to hold on to my annoyance for him and his attitude. But after breathing the same air as him, even if it was full of awkwardness and rude comments, I knew his show would be unbelievable. I knew he’d be unbelievable. He was the mysterious Reid King, one of the most popular musicians right now. He was full of soul, and I couldn’t wait to watch him come alive on stage, asshole or not.


Someone with an earpiece and a small microphone pointed at me and barked, “Go to Reid’s room and get him now! We go on in a few minutes!”