Eyes followed them, but she kept her gaze on the lobe of Gabriel’s ear as he wound through the tables ahead of her. Out of nowhere, she wondered what it would be like to nibble his ear. People did that, didn’t they? Would he like it? Tendrils of intrigue unfurled inside her at the thought of dabbling her tongue there and sucking. Of him doing it to her. She had to stifle a reflexive moan at the carnal fantasy.

Along with the pianist, there were a cellist and a violinist. It was like being in a movie as he turned when they reached the dance floor and drew her into his arms. She felt as though she floated when they began to move together.

“You’re perfect,” he said as he led with athletic grace.

Her light skirt lifted and fell against her bare legs in a sensual caress while she absorbed the strength of him, the surety of his touch moving her about so effortlessly. A pleasurable heat suffused her and she knew this would be her new memory for her stage smile. She didn’t know if she’d ever felt so light in her life. So carefree and purely, simply happy.

She suspected she was actually asleep and would wake in her plain room in the servants’ quarters of Mae’s mansion very soon.

“The entire place is spellbound,” he murmured, making her falter slightly.

“Was that the goal?”

“I can’t deny I wanted to see their reaction.”

“Why?” She became self-conscious and had to concentrate to ensure she didn’t misstep.

“A crowd like this is used to being surrounded by beauty. You’re above and beyond anything they will have ever seen.”

“Is that what I am? A piece of art you’ve acquired?” Was that why he hadn’t said anything about their kiss?

His mouth was no longer relaxed. “No.”

“What, then? A project? A percentage?”

“I have no idea. You’re unlike anything I’ve ever encountered.”

“But you want to twirl me around and say, Look what I found.”

“I want to feel you in my arms.” His voice was low and powerful enough to resonate through her.

Somehow he kept them moving without bumping into anyone while she tried to read his eyes. She didn’t know what she was seeing in those rocky ocean depths.

“You haven’t said anything since I told you,” she reminded him.

“Is it true?” he demanded.

“I’m looking to you for guidance because I have no idea what I’m doing.” She spoke with a thread of wildness in her voice. The sense of spinning beyond herself was growing as she realized exactly how much she was looking to him—because she was that far out of her depth in every single way.

His cheek ticked. “I wish I knew whether I could believe you.”

“What reason would I have to lie?”

“The twenty million I just dropped on clothes and shoes, perhaps?”

“You didn’t.” She stopped dancing. The world continued to sway and swirl. She thought she might faint as all her lifeblood dropped into her feet. “Please say it wasn’t that much.”

“With the ring, closer to thirty. It’s Paris, Luli. What did you think?”

Sequin-covered bikinis and formal evening gowns were expensive, but they were the price of pageant entry, maybe the cost of bus fare or a flight to get to the competition. They weren’t the value of a district’s worth of housing. What had she done? She clung to his sleeve to keep herself upright, vision hazy as she absorbed that she had indebted herself to him far beyond anything she could have imagined.

His arms firmed around her, supporting her. “Look at me. Are you all right?”

“I think I’m going to be sick.”

* * *

If he had wanted to create a sensation, mission accomplished. Speculation about his mysterious new wife would shift to whether she was carrying his child as she paled and leaned into him.

“Come sit down.” He led her back to their table.

She took her clutch into her lap and, he suspected, checked for her passport, judging by the furtive movement beneath the edge of the table.

“Have a sip of water,” he ordered. “Then tell me why you’re upset.” She had handled the shopping like a pro. He wasn’t complaining about the cost, only pointing out that it made for a strong motive where manipulating his emotions was concerned.