Mmmhm. Just light me on fucking fire.

“Eric,” I warned.

“Sit down, Madeline. Let’s just take a breather.” He made a tired noise as he rubbed his hand down his face. “You and I have been going at it for weeks. I don’t know if I have the energy right now. Not after almost beating the fuck out of my dad.”

Right. I forgot all about that little incident for a moment. “Are you okay? Like, really okay?” I asked as I moved closer to him. Eric glanced up at me, and his lips straightened. “I don't know. I mean…” He glanced away, looking out the glass door that led to the deck. “I’m still so fucking mad.” He gripped his beer bottle so tight I thought it might break. “I still feel hyped.” He pointed the bottle at me. “Hence the alcohol.”

Guilt tapped me on the shoulder. “I should have told you about him sooner.”

He peered up at me, the gray in his eye a little less stormy. “You had your reasons.”

I closed my eyes, finally sitting down on the couch and falling backwards until my back hit the soft cushion. I swung my legs over but kept them bent so they weren’t touching him. “Everything is so messed up.”

“Yeah, it is.”

My eyes flew open when Eric touched my leg with the palm of his hand. Even through my skinny jeans, I felt the searing burn he left behind. I knew it was all in my head, but I still glanced down to make sure my leg wasn’t on fire.

“Let’s play a game,” he mused, a smile in his voice.

“A game?” I asked nervously.

He nodded, his lips forming that dangerous grin that made me uneasy. I sat up, pulling myself to a sitting position with my beer tucked away in my thighs. “Like what?”

Eric thought for a moment, and when he shot me a mischievous look, my nerves inte

nsified. A look like that from him was never good.

“You look awfully naughty over there, Eric,” I whispered, taking another drink of my beer to hopefully calm the jitters.

“Truth or Dare?”

I looked away, unable to focus on really anything at all other than the fact that I was losing my battle of Resist Eric quickly.

“Do you really think that’s a good idea?”

“All I have are good ideas, Maddie.”

I snickered into my hand. His palm was back on my leg, and that was all it took for me to agree. “Fine. I guess if it’ll help you calm down over there with all that angry testosterone.”

He laughed as he stood up and went into the kitchen. I heard him mumble under his breath. “That’s unlikely.”

When he came back, he turned the lights down low and placed four beers on the coffee table in front of us.

“Really?” I asked, eyeing them. “Trying to get me drunk?”

He shook his head. “Nope. Trying to get me drunk. Now who’s going first?”

“I am.” I sat up, bringing my legs together to sit cross-legged. I pulled my hair into a high pony and took another baby sip of my beer before turning toward Eric who was looking at me with skepticism. “What?”

“You good over there, Bob Barker? Planning on winning a square game or…?”

A laugh bubbled up and flew out of my mouth before I slapped my hand over it. “Did you really just call me Bob Barker?”

“You’ve been prepping for this single game of Truth or Dare like you’re about to host the world’s greatest game show. Seemed fitting.”

I laughed again before sighing and getting in the zone. It was going to have to be all hands on deck for this one because I had played Truth or Dare many times in the past, specifically at parties, and they always turned dirty.

“Okay, are you ready?” I asked, sneaking a glance.