He was everywhere. He clouded every single one of my senses. His lips and hands touched every part of my body.

“God, Eric,” I moaned, feeling myself tip over the edge. “I think I might love you.” Then I exploded. My toes curled, and I was done for. Bliss took over, and my body shook as he pounded into me one more time.

“Good,” he said in between kisses. “Because I think I love you too. And I don’t give a fuck what anyone has to say about it.”

Neither do I.

Chapter Forty-Four


“Hey, pretty.” I smirked, slinking up beside Madeline as she dug inside her locker. I scanned my gaze down the backside of her as I rested my shoulder along the metal lockers. Her sun-colored hair tumbled down her back in voluminous waves. Her plaid skirt all but begged me to lift it up so I could see what color panties she was wearing.

“Eyes up here, Eric,” she chided as she slammed her locker shut. “I thought you said you weren’t gonna lay it on heavy today.”

I laughed under my breath. “No. You asked me to take things slow at school today. I never agreed to that.” I glanced around the hall. Nearly everyone was gaping except my tight group of friends. “Why would I? I want everyone to know you’re mine.”

Madeline rolled her eyes. “No one wants me, Eric. Remember? I’m the school loser. There’s no need to show your possession.” She glanced away and bit her lip.

My thumb pulled it from her teeth, and a little popping sound filled our close quarters. “But you like that, don’t you?”

Her blue eyes widened. “What? No.”

“Oh, really? I recall you walking into the cabin two days ago, reclaiming yourself, wanting to tell everyone that I was yours.”

She sighed as she began to walk to her next class, trying her hardest not to look anyone in the eye. “That’s because everyone wants you. No one wants me.”

I snorte

d as I grabbed her hand and intertwined our fingers together. “School loser or not, guys still look at you.”

“No, they don’t.”

We stopped walking, and I jerked her back a little. She tipped her head, giving me a look. “Do you recall me choking Taylor a few weeks back?” She nodded, glancing past my shoulder. I hated to see her cower. My girl was strong. She needed to show it. “That’s because he made a comment about you sucking his cock. A few other guys, too.” I pulled her in close, her breath hitching. “Don’t go back to that scared girl, Maddie. You can be both strong and nice. Selfless and confident. Who cares what they think? If I want to kiss you, I’m going to kiss you.”

She was breathing a little heavier, glancing down at my mouth as I said the word kiss. “And you’re sitting with me at lunch. I won’t take no for an answer. We can’t only be us hidden away in your bedroom. I love you too much to hide you.”

She blushed, looking away. “You don’t love me.”

“Always have. Always will.” The bell rung above our heads, and I gave her a quick kiss on the lips before backing away and smacking her on the butt. “Now get to class. I’ll see you in the cafeteria.”

Her face flamed, and it was surreal to see her get flustered like that. She had a damn good poker face at school; not many people could break it.

When I turned around to follow Christian and Ollie, they both shook their heads. Ollie was holding back a grin as he adjusted his tie, and Christian was stone-faced, as always, while holding Hayley’s hand.

“You ever gonna give us the details on her? Tell us what you were so bent on hiding the other night? Explain why she’s always been a bi—" Hayley tugged on Christian before he could finish his sentence, and it was a good thing, because I was about to put him through a locker.

I cracked my neck instead. “Didn’t realize you cared so much.”

Christian stared at me. And I stared right back. He dropped his head and shook it.

“He cares about you,” Hayley answered for him. “We all do.” She smiled and patted my chest as we walked into class. “I’m just happy to see you happy.”

I winked at her before going and sitting at my desk, only to count the hours until lunch.

It only took ten seconds of being in the cafeteria before I noticed just about every single student at English Prep giving me the side-eye, trying to figure out what my game was. Missy was brave enough to ask as I stood in the lunch line, scanning the room for Madeline so I could make sure she actually sat at my table.

“I thought you hated Madeline like the rest of us.” She placed a hand on her hip in typical mean-girl fashion. Why did I fuck her again?