I tsked my tongue, sitting further back onto the couch. “Are you embarrassed, then?”

She shot me a glare. “Embarrassed that you heard my father beating up on my mom? Um, yeah. It is embarrassing.”

I shook my head. “That’s not what I’m talking about, and you know it.”

Her face turned fifty different shades of red, her gaze dipping to my mouth and then back up to my eyes. “No.” Her dark lashes fluttered. “I don’t know what you’re even talking about.”

My eyes grew wide, and I laughed again. Was she really going to pretend? Was she out of her mind? I leaned in close, our legs brushing again. My dick started to move, her scent filling my senses and fucking them all up. “I’m talking about when you fucked my hand and came so hard you collapsed afterwards.”

Madeline sucked in air, stealing oxygen right out of my mouth. Her chest pushed out as she bit down on her lip. “Oh. That.”

“Yeah,” I answered. “That.”

“Okay, you two!” My mom bounced down into the living room, her chestnut hair tied in a bun on the top of her head. She was wearing her navy scrubs with her ID tag dangling off the front. “Have fun. Lock the door behind me. I’ll be home in the morning sometime.”

I slowly backed away from Madeline as she grabbed the remote to press play on the TV. “Alright, Mom. Love you. Bye.”

Madeline cleared her throat. “Bye, Heather.”

As soon as the front door latched, my dick hardened.

Madeline and me all alone in my big, empty house.

Whatever will we do?

Chapter Thirty-One


Get your shit together! Letting out small puffs of air, I continued reprimanding myself in my head, desperately trying to calm myself. Eric was so close to me I could smell his clean, spicy scent. His body heat wafted over me, making me sweat in places that didn’t even exist.

Every single time our legs brushed accidentally—or maybe on purpose—my thigh would tingle.

He was all cool, calm, and collected over there, leaning back on the couch with his legs propped up on the coffee table, unknowingly being super fucking hot. His dark hair was ruffled on top, effortlessly disheveled in a sexy way that he likely didn’t even mean to do. His sharp cheekbones begged for me to touch them. His lips were unmoving, so plump and inviting.

I was pretty sure he was toying with me, saying things to make me feel uncomfortable on purpose. He was killing me slowly and painfully with sex appeal, making me so turned on I’d have to beg him to touch me so he could put me out of my misery. He said we were playing a game, and maybe we were, but I had no idea what the rules were. Was he making me fall for him so he could break my heart in the end? Was he pretending to care about me so I’d feel safe, and then he’d leave me to the wolves when he knew I was hooked? Or was he truly trying to kill me with sexual tension?

I froze, my thoughts scattering like lost marbles, when Eric’s hand clamped down on my ankle. He swung my legs up and over, landing on his thighs as my head softly hit the couch arm behind me. “What are you doing?” I asked, sitting up, all out of breath. Now he was touching me?!

“You won’t stop squirming, clenching your legs together. You’re restless. Just lay your legs here and watch your show.”

I didn’t want to watch the show anymore. I couldn’t focus on the show. His mom had left for work, and we were just sitting here, alone, in the dimly lit living room with colors from the TV dancing all around us.

Maybe I should have gone back home.

I glanced to the window, wondering if my mom and dad were back yet. A part of me was worried that she’d make a wrong move or glance at a waiter for too long, causing my dad to get angry. But I had to remind myself that my mom was a grown woman, and she knew how to play her cards right—most of the time, at least.

“So, what did you tell your parents about tonight?” Eric asked, his hand still resting on my ankle.

I cleared my throat so my voice wouldn’t sound as desperate and frazzled as I truly felt. “I told them I was going out with friends and that they should have a date night.” I kept my eyes on the TV, but I wasn’t really watching it. “I wanted to sell it to my dad that my mom missed him so maybe he’d forget that she was on a date with another man the night before.”

I felt the couch move as he nodded. His thumb started to skim the bare skin of my ankle, back and forth, back and forth. Something began swirling deep inside my stomach, but I was enjoying it too much to make myself get up and move.

I continued watching the show, gazing at the colorful screen, but I couldn’t register a single second of what was happening. As every minute passed and Eric’s hand crept higher up my leg, running his fingers back and forth, I was wound so tightly I couldn’t help my outburst. I flung myself up, the couch swallowing my body. “What are you doing?!”

Even my voice was tight, the words almost choking me as they came out.

Eric slowly turned his stormy gaze and latched onto me so hard I almost grabbed his hand and shoved it between my legs.