Silence filled the hall, and I wasn’t sure if they’d left or if the conversation ended.

Just as I was about to step out into the hall, Hayley spoke. “Something made her the way that she is. It’s just catching up to her now. I think we should help her.”

My body stilled.

I started to feel a little unsteady on my feet. My skin was clammy to the touch.

I heard the sound of lips smacking. “And that, babe, is why you’re you.” Christian must have given Hayley a kiss for being nice. The thought used to make me snarl, but now I was hopeful. Hopeful that someday I’d feel like I deserved that type of love.

Once I felt the coast was clear, I hurriedly darted down the opposite hallway and out the side doors of English Prep. The parking lot was basically desolate, everyone on their way to their happy fucking weekend parties and whatnot, living their best high school lives.

I looked over to where the guys usually parked, where I used to park, and I stopped my feet just along the patch of grass separating the parking lot from the sidewalk.

Eric was leaning back along his Range Rover with his arms crossed over his button-up shirt. His tie was loosely hanging around his neck, the first two buttons undone, showing off his tanned skin. My mouth went dry as his gray eyes surrounded by long, dark eyelashes squinted. Too many empty parking spots laid between us for anything more than a long glance, but I saw the way he questioned me with the tilt of his head.

Eric was beginning to see a lot more than I wanted him to see. He was paying attention to my subtle mood changes and behavior. I wasn’t sure why, because he had a serious vendetta against me. Maybe he wanted to watch me crumble. Maybe he wanted to make my life even harder by gaining some recon.

I didn’t know, and I really didn’t want to find out.

I pulled my attention away as I unlocked my car and climbed inside.

As I was pulling out of the parking lot, pretending I didn’t notice Eric still leaning against his car, all hot and mysterious, I got a text from Atticus.

Atticus: I’ll get them. Meet me at 9. Same house. Same room. Same price.

I rolled my eyes at the last part, but I’d still show up. And this time, Eric wouldn’t be there to interfere.

Chapter Twelve


The music in Christian’s Charger rattled the change in the cup holder beside me as we headed to Jesse’s frat house again. Usually, he and Ollie would both be with Piper and Hayley on a Friday night, but they were having some girls’ night or something with Ann, Hayley’s ex social worker.

I wasn’t even sure what a girls’ night was. I’d never been in a lengthy relationship before, and I was an only child—meaning I didn’t have a sister. I had nights spent with girls—multiple, even—but I didn’t think that was anything close to what Hayley and Piper were doing with Ann. I surely hoped not.

My mom was working a late shift again at the hospital, and I couldn’t bring myself to ask about the impending divorce. The papers were moved from the counter to her bedroom, so I assumed that meant she wasn’t ready to talk to me about it. Which was fine. I’d be here when she needed me.

As for my father… Well, he’d given up on the threatening texts and now called me once a day. I ignored every last ring.

Just like I had ignored the light being on in Madeline’s bedroom every night for the past week. I was pretty good at denial.

Madeline’s car was gone when Christian picked me up, and I couldn’t ignore the thrilling thought that she might show up at Jesse’s again. I mean, it was likely, considering every single pill she bought from the party last weekend was gone. But if she knew what was good for her, she wouldn’t be here tonight.

Madeline was playing a very dangerous game with taking those sleeping pills. I’d learned enough about drugs lately that I knew nothing good came from them if being taken illegally. She didn’t know what she was fucking doing.

“Why are you shaking my entire fucking car?”

I whipped my head over to Christian who was eyeing me. “What are you so mad about, bro? Look at your fists.” He nodded his head to my thighs, where my hands rested in achingly tight fists on top of my jeans.

“Nothing,” I snapped. “Let’s go.”

I pulled the handle on the door as Christian just barely got his car into park. The rumble of the engine cut off quickly as I began rounding the steps of the frat house.

The sun was finished for the day, the moon well above my head. But even in the bleakness of night, I could tell the classic, Victorian-looking frat house was a hunter-green color. The peak had scalloped siding, and it reminded me a little of a gingerbread house. I bypassed a few groups of college students loitering on the lawn with red cups in their grasps when a hand clamped onto my shoulder. The grip was firm, and it felt like claws shot out from my fingers.

“What, Christian?” I asked, spinning around. Ollie was smirking from beside him, waiting for us to have words.

“Are you going to act this uptight the entire night? Because I’m about sick of the whole angry, pensive vibe you’ve got going lately.”