He was feral, kissing me as if he were branding me.

And for once, with a clear head, I was submissive. When we had let our guards down the first time, I blamed my heightened emotions. I told myself I wasn’t thinking clearly. But that was how it always was with him. My emotions were always standing straight up when he was around. And I realized I had it wrong the other night. Christian didn’t cloud my judgment between right and wrong; he made me divulge in whatever felt right, and this—this right here—felt right. It felt good. He felt good.

Christian’s hands moved under my butt, and he lifted me up. My legs automatically wound around his hips, and I felt his hardness rub against me. Heat spread all the way up to my throat.

“Too long,” he grunted, pushing me up against the wall. “It’s been two days since I’ve touched you like this, and it’s been too fucking long.”

I couldn’t speak. I just needed more of his mouth on mine, silencing every thought.

I moved my body up and down on his, and he swore under his breath. He walked us over to the bed, dipping his head into the crook of my neck and sucking my tender skin. Goosebumps covered my body.

Christian slowly lowered my body, his dark stare scorching me on the way down. His fingers reached the hem of my shirt, and he slowly lifted it up and threw it across the room. He descended down on top of me again, my body his to do whatever with. The reins were in his hands. I liked the feeling it gave me. I liked feeling handled by him. For once, I didn’t want to be in control. Christian made me feel wanted, and that was something I didn’t feel often.

His warm mouth moved from my swollen lips over to the delicate side of my ear. I reached up and grabbed his biceps, the feel of his skin making me hot all over again. Once his head dipped down to my shoulder, kissing the bare skin, he slipped his finger under the strap of my bra and almost ripped it off.

“I want to savor every bit of this, but I just can’t.” His words came out rushed, and before I knew it, I was lying on the bed without a bra on. His pupils dilated, and when his head dipped down to suck, I saw stars.

“Christian,” I breathed, arching my back.

I felt wild. The pressure in my core needed a release before I lost my mind. I wiggled in his grasp, trying to move below him as he teased and sucked my bud. His hands finally moved to my jeans, and with the undoing of my button, we heard the music come to a stop downstairs. He paused, his fingers ready to pull the denim from my legs with his mouth hovering over mine. We were both panting. His neck was red and splotchy from our heat meshing together. Then, we heard yelling and the brief shout of, “COPS!”

My heart fell to the ground, right there along with my bra.

Chapter Thirty-One


The fear in Hayley’s eyes had me snapping to attention. So close. I was so close to giving in to what we both wanted and needed. Kissing her again felt like I had gotten a slice of heaven. My body was moving in ecstasy.

“Christian. I can’t be caught here with drugs and underaged drinking.”

Hayley flew off the bed and slipped her bra on. Her fingers were trembling and fumbling over the clasp. I rushed over, still in a daze from kissing her, and clasped it. She was rambling. “I can’t get caught. I’ll go into a group home. Maybe back to juvie. Shit. Shit. Shit.”

I put my hands on her upper arms to calm her. “I’m not going to let that happen.”

Her eyes were wide, the blue in them even bluer than before. The doorknob jiggled as partiers tried to hide—which wouldn’t work. The only way not to get caught by the cops was to get the hell out of the house.

“Christian. What are we going to do??


Fuck. I don’t know. I eyed the window, and Hayley’s eyes lit up. She ran over and pushed it open, leaning her body out to peer down. “Let’s go.” She looked back at me for a second before getting ready to jump.

I rushed over and pulled her back. Jesus Christ. “What the fuck, Hayley? You’ll break your goddamn neck.”

“I’d rather break my neck than go to a group home and age out.” Her words were rattled, eyes wide and fearful. “You don’t know what it’s like, Christian. I can’t get into trouble.” She peered up at me, fear clouding the fire I saw in her eyes moments ago when she was grinding her body against mine.

I knew at that moment I’d do anything for her. The last five years didn’t matter. Thirteen-year-old Christian was back, and Hayley was his whole world again.

“Go get your shirt.” Hayley looked down at her chest, confused that she wasn’t wearing her shirt. She quickly ran past the bed and searched frantically. I leaned my body out the window, the cool air grounding me for a moment. That’s a long jump.

“I can’t find it!” Hayley was still searching for her shirt, but we no longer had time. I heard the pounding footsteps echoing in the hall. Ripping my shirt off my back, I flung it over to her. She slipped it on within seconds, the hem hitting her mid-thigh.

“I’m going first, then you’ll jump after.”

“You can afford to get caught.” She rushed over, moving past me. “I can’t. No sense in you breaking your legs. You have football to worry about.”

So stubborn. I pulled her back by my shirt. “Hayley, for fuck’s sake, stop being so independent! Let me help you. This is fucking sixth grade all over again.”