Hayley licked her lips as her hand found itself in my pocket, pulling out a condom and ripping it open with her teeth. She pulled my pants down quickly, and I kicked them off, pulling my shirt off, too. Being naked with Hayley was a sort of heaven I didn’t even know existed. It was intimate with her. Different. It wasn’t just sex. I wasn’t just in it for the receiving part. I wanted to give. I wanted to make her lose her mind like she did to me.

Hayley’s fingers found my dick, and she roll

ed the condom on and took charge on angling me into her pussy. A heavy breath escaped my mouth as I found her warm walls. Her legs widened; her breasts pushed up in my face. I moved on top of her slowly, my hands wrapping around her tiny body. I buried my face into her neck, pumping in and out nice and slow. The build-up was fast, as always, and I was certain that I’d never have to conjure up a porno in my head to get myself off with fucking her. One touch of her lips had me unraveling.

“Fuck,” I muttered, thrusting faster and faster. Hayley’s hand slipped in between our bodies to rub her clit, and I begged myself not to look because it would inevitably cause me to come within a second, but I couldn’t fucking help myself. She made me lose my mind. All bets were off when it came to her.

I growled as my eyes found her finger circling herself, and within ten seconds, we were coming together. My hand slapped over her mouth, and she bit my palm, trying to drown out her moan.

Fucking Christ.

I lay on top of her until my breathing settled, and once I was off and deposited the condom, her warm body curled up beside mine. I was too large for her bed—if you wanted to call it that—as my legs hung down below the mattress edge, but I didn’t care.

“I’m never going to get used to this,” she whispered, hooking a bare leg over mine.

“What? Sex with a king?” I teased.

She giggled as she slapped my chest. “No, this. Us. You and me like this.” She shook her head against my chest. “I didn’t let myself think of us like this because I was so afraid to let you in.” She paused. “And plus, I kind of thought you’d hate me forever.”

“I fought against my feelings for a while.” I placed my lips on top of her head, wondering when I turned into a guy who did that sort of thing.

Her body began to relax in my arms, and I felt my body falling into slumber. What a strange turn of events the last few weeks had been.

“What are we going to do about school tomorrow?”

My voice grew tired, raspy. “What do you mean?”

Her head angled up to mine, but I kept my eyes closed. “I mean, are we going to tell people? I don’t really like attention, and you’re all anyone really cares about at English Prep.”

“Oh, people will know, regardless of whether we tell them.”

“Why is that?” Her hold on me grew tighter.

“Because now that I’ve had you, I’ll never be able to keep my hands off you again. You’re mine now, Hayley. There are no take-backs like in sixth grade.”

“I’m not your property, Christian.” If I were to look at her face, I could guarantee she was rolling her eyes and scowling.

“Maybe not, but I’m yours.”

And with that, we both fell asleep until her alarm went off the next morning.

The following morning started off with a bang—literally. I talked Hayley into letting me shower with her at Pete’s. A six-minute shower shared by the pair of us wasn’t a feat, but keeping myself from bending her over the tub was.

Once we got back into her room and successfully shut the door before Pete or Jill descended from their room, it took us seconds to have our mouths on one another.

I’d never been so lust-crazy before.

Even now, an hour later, as she pulled up in Piper's BMW in the school parking lot, the only thing I could think about was her lips. Both sets.

Ollie sauntered up beside me and stared in their direction. “So, I talked to Dad.”

“Mmhm,” I mumbled, swiping my lip with my thumb. Hayley climbed out of the passenger side with her hair still damp from the shower. Her skirt somehow appeared sexier than ever, and I was certain it was because I’d tasted what was underneath.

“He told me about your talk on Friday. Is everything okay with you?”

“Mmhm,” I mumbled again.
