Gabe snarled like a dog. His nostrils flared; his pupils dilated. The only thing standing between us was the keg on the kitchen floor. “Oh really?” His voice was full of cynicism and sarcasm. “Then tell me why, once they vandalized the fuck out of my Mustang, they grilled me about you all while throwing punches every five fucking seconds. And two against one? How fucking fair is that?”

“About as fucking fair as you sticking your hand down my pants when I told you not to. Now get the hell out of here.”

“You dumb bitch.”

“That’s enough.” Christian was all but foaming at the mouth as he slid up beside me. I wanted to knock him off his ass almost as much as I wanted to knock Gabe off his.

Gabe’s head ticked to the side, sparring off with Christian. I glanced at Piper who was bouncing her eyes back and forth between me and Gabe. I mouthed, “Record this,” and she hurriedly reached into her back pocket and whipped out her phone. Once she had it in place, I started to probe.

“So, why did your parents drop the charges?” I knew I was setting myself up for humiliation with almost all of English Prep’s finest watching. I could already hear the rumors forming, but my pride didn’t stand a chance against shutting Gabe down. Except, he didn’t take the bait; his glare was still set on Christian. “Did they realize I was telling the truth? Didn’t want me to run my mouth about their precious prodigy being a rapist?” I laughed in his face, inching toward him. “It’s no wonder they took in strays like me; they probably needed a distraction from the type of person their son was.” Gabe clenched his fists and narrowed his eyes even further. His rosy lip curled up on the side. “Did they believe you when you said you didn’t try to rape me, Gabe? Huh? What did they do? Ground you for the weekend?” I laughed again, and it seemed to work in my favor.

“Fuck you, Hayley. You wanted it.” He came closer to me, and I met him halfway.

I glared up into his fucked-up face, my pulse racing underneath my skin. “Is that what you have to tell yourself to sleep at night? In what world does the word no mean to keep going? Go on, Gabe. Tell everyone what happened when you didn’t stop.”

The room was quiet. Gabe clenched his teeth together, his jaw working back and forth. I could feel Christian’s body heat beside me, reminding me that I wasn’t alone.

“Tell them. Tell them how you stuck your hand in my pants after I said no, and how you ended up on the ground, wailing like a little bitch.”

Gabe’s friends looked back and forth at one another, and I got the confirmation I needed that Gabe had lied to them. I smirked, knowing my plan was working.

“Don’t act like you didn’t tempt me at every fucking corner, wearing those short shorts and playing hard to get.” Christian stepped forward, but I sent him a glare, and that had him halting. Gabe continued on, inching closer to me with a gleam in his eye. “You fucking wanted me to touch you. You saying no only turned me on further.”

At the last second, Gabe’s hand came around my wrist, and he squeezed, but I had anticipated his move and snatched my arm out of his grasp at the same time I brought my knee up to his balls. He grunted and grabbed onto his dick, gasping for air. Before I knew it, I was kneeing him in the chin, which caused his unsteady body to tumble backwards. I reared my foot back to kick him in the stomach, but someone wrapped their arms around my torso, causing me to stop. I took a deep breath and inhaled Christian’s scent. Shit. I glanced at Piper and remembered my original plan.

“Put me down.”

Christian landed me on my feet but kept his hands on my hips. He whispered in my ear, “Calm down.”

I let out a shaky breath, and even though I was still angry with Christian, I knew I needed to listen. I was certain everyone thought I was some type of rabid animal.

Once Gabe staggered to his feet—without the help of his two friends who stood looking at him with disgust—I snarled.

“Leave or I’ll leak this video through Oakland. Every single person will know what a disgusting pig you are.” I glanced at his two buddies. “That is, if they don’t tell people first.”

Gabe wafted his gaze around the room. The energy was bound tightly. Girls were scrunching their faces at him, and every guy looked ready to kill him on the spot.

Realizing he’d lost, he glared at me once more before leaving. “Fuck you, bitch.”

Christian’s hands left my waist quickly as he went to follow him, but I grabbed his arm at the last second, holding him in his place.

Now that I had Gabe taken care of, I now had to address the other elephant in the room.

I was still high with adrenaline as I watched Gabe and his two friends

stagger out the door. The room erupted in hoots and hollers, but it did nothing to sooth my anger.

“Are you freaking kidding me?” I shouted, dropping my hand from Christian’s. “I told you not to get involved—for a very good reason, might I add—and what the hell do you do?”

I was fuming. My body trembled with unshed anger. Why does he insist on saving me?

“Who said it was me?”

Oh, nice freaking try.

I grabbed his arm roughly and brought his knuckles between us. I had no idea what was going on in the kitchen around us. I wasn’t sure if people were staring or if they were going about their usual party business. As soon as I locked eyes onto Christian, regardless of the situation or our surroundings, everything else faded.

“This tells me!” I dropped his red and scabbed hand with force. I wasn’t sure how I didn’t notice his cut knuckles before. “Ugh!” I yelled, storming away to the stairs.