“What does Hamilton say?”

“He’s not answering his telephone,” the President said bitterly, then picked up his telephone.

“Get me Powell,” he ordered, and then, not twenty seconds later, said, “Is he still not answering his phone?”

There was a short reply.

“The minute he comes out of that laboratory, put him in your helicopter and bring him here.”

He put the telephone handset into its cradle.

“And now we wait,” Clendennen said. “The President of the United States, the secretary of State, and the director of National Intelligence wait for some lousy colonel to find time for us. ...”


U.S. Army Medical Research Institute

Fort Detrick, Maryland

1035 4 February 2007

Colonel J. Porter Hamilton, Medical Corps, U.S. Army, came through the outer portal of Level Four BioLab Two wearing only a bathrobe. The crest of the United States Military Academy was on the breast, and the legend WEST POINT was on the back.

He found in the room the garrison commander, the director of Central Intelligence, the assistant secretary of Homeland Security, the special agent in charge at the Department of Homeland Security, the Fort Detrick provost marshal, two Secret Service agents, and Master Sergeant Dennis.

“You’ll have to pardon my appearance, Colonel Russell,” Colonel Hamilton said.

“Not a problem, Colonel,” Colonel Florence Russell replied.

Hamilton turned to DCI Powell, and said, “I can only surmise that those people relayed my message to you.”

Powell nodded.

“Colonel, my name is Mason Andrews. I’m the assistant secretary of Homeland Security. I would be grateful—”

“First things first,” Hamilton interrupted. “Sergeant Dennis, could I impose upon you to take your car and get me a uniform from my quarters? I’m afraid the keys to my car are in there, in my uniform.”

“Way ahead of you, Colonel,” Dennis said. “Fresh uniform’s in the lobby. I’ll go get it.”

“Good man,” Hamilton said. “Mr. Powell and I will be in the locker room.”

He looked at Colonel Russell. “Colonel, would it offend you if I suggested that you come with us? You could turn your back while I dress.”

“Not at all,” she said.

“The President’s really curious about what’s going on here, Colonel,” DCI Powell said. “He wants to see you at the White House. There’s a helicopter—”

“Would you prefer to wait until we’re at the White House?” Hamilton said. “I have to bring Colonel Russell up to speed on this before I go anywhere.”

“I’ll go with you and Colonel Russell,” Powell said.

“So will I,” Assistant Secretary Andrews said.

“I think not,” Hamilton said.

“Excuse me?” Andrews bristled.

“I can tell you what you need to know right here: There is no immediate threat.” He turned to the provost marshal, and added, “As soon as you can, you’re to establish a guard around, one, where the package was originally examined; two, my office; and three, this building, to which no one is to enter without the specific approval of myself, Master Sergeant Dennis, or of course Colonel Russell. And you may lift the shut-down. Colonel Russell will have more details after we have spoken.”