"Gulfstream 379 ready to copy."

"Roger, Gulfstream 379. You are cleared to Prestwick, Scotland, via the Lanux One Alpha Departure, then flight-planned route. Expect flight level three-four-zero ten minutes after departure. Squawk code 3476."

"Roger, Vienna Delivery. Understand we are cleared to Prestwick via the Lanux One Alfa Departure, flight-planned route, expect flight level three-four-zero, one-zero minutes after departure. Squawk three-four-seven-six."

The routing they had been given would take them briefly across the airspace of Czechoslovakia, Germany, and Belgium. Then, after crossing the English Channel, they would fly over the British Isles. Finally, they would be "handed off" to Scottish control for their final routing into Prestwick.

"Gulfstream 379, read-back is correct. Advise when fully ready."

"Vienna Delivery, Gulfstream 379 fully ready."

"Gulfstream 379, contact Vienna Ground on one-two-one-decimal-six for engine start and taxi."

"Gulfstream 379. Roger. Good day."

Castillo punched in 121.6 on the radio control panel, then keyed the yoke's TRANSMIT button.

"Vienna Ground, Gulfstream 379 at Block Alfa Six-Zero. Request engine start."

"Roger, Gulfstream 379. Engine start-up approved. Advise when ready to taxi."

"Gulfstream 379. Roger."

Castillo looked at Torine, raised an eyebrow, and drew circles with his index finger.

Torine shrugged, said, "Why not?" and reached for the Number One Engine start button.


nna Ground, Gulfstream 379 ready to taxi. Block Alfa Six-Zero with information Bravo."

"Gulfstream 379, Vienna Ground. Taxi to Runway One-One via Alfa One-Two. At runway holding point, contact tower on frequency one-one-nine-decimal-four when ready for departure."

"Roger. Gulfstream 379 taxi to Runway One-One via Alfa One-Two."

"Gulfstream 379, Vienna Ground. That is correct. Have a nice flight."

"Gulfstream 379. Roger. Good day."

Castillo reached to dial in the new radio frequency of 119.4 as Torine rolled the aircraft to the threshold of Runway 11.

"Vienna Tower, Gulfstream 379 ready for takeoff Runway One-One at Alfa One-Two."

"Gulfstream 379, Vienna Tower. You are cleared for takeoff Runway One-One."

"Gulfstream 379 cleared for takeoff Runway One-One. Roger. Three-Seven-Nine rolling."

The Gulfstream began to move.

"Take it, Charley," Torine said. "You need the practice."

Castillo put his right hand on the yoke and his left on the throttle quadrant.

"I have it," he said.

Torine held up both hands in the air to show that he had relinquished control.

Billy Kocian had suggested, at just about the moment the same thought had occurred to Castillo, that Inspector Doherty and Two-Gun Yung would be more useful in Europe tracing the money trail than they would be in South America, so they had stayed in Vienna.