"They know who did it?"

"I was hoping you might be able to offer a suggestion. I seem to recall that you have some experience with people who are garroted to death."

"Sorry. I never heard of him."

There was a moment's silence while Montvale considered that, then he abruptly changed the subject: "What's on your mind, Castillo?"

"I'm going to Germany in the morning."

"Is that so? And are you going to share with me why?"

"Otto Gorner called a few minutes ago to tell me that a Tages Zeitung reporter was found murdered in interesting circumstances."

"How interesting?"

"The body was mutilated. First, Otto thinks, to make it look as if it was a homosexual lovers' quarrel--multiple stab wounds."

"And second?"

"One of the victim's eyes was cut out."

"Suggesting the message 'This is what happens when you look at something you shouldn't'?"

"That's what Mr. Delchamps suggests. It follows, as Otto says this reporter was working on the oil-for-food scheme."

"And your--our--interest in this tragic event, Colonel?"

"Eric Kocian insists on going to the funeral. The man was an old friend of his."

"He can't be dissuaded?"

"Not a chance."

"How hard did you try?"

"Not at all. It would have been a waste of time."

"The President happened to mention at dinner that he hadn't seen you since he visited you at Walter Reed, and perhaps there would be a chance to do so over the next few days. What am I supposed to tell him?"

"That in keeping with the accord between us, I told you where I was going and why."

"How much is this going to delay the investigation?"

"It might speed it up."

"You need anything, Charley?"

"Can't think of a thing."

"Keep in touch," Montvale said, and broke the connection.

"Anything else, Colonel?" the pleasant young female White House operator's voice asked.

"That'll do it. Thanks very much. And Merry Christmas."

"You, too, Colonel."

Castillo put the handset back in its cradle and thought hard about what else he had to do.