And when some other post-Buenos Aires, for example-comes open, he can remember how useful I have been to him whenever he asked for something.

McGrory went to his desk, picked up the telephone, and told the operator to get Senator Homer Johns-and not anyone on Johns's staff-on a secure line.


Suite 2152 Radisson Montevideo Victoria Plaza Hotel Plaza Independencia 759 Montevideo, Republica Oriental del Uruguay 1915 9 September 2005 "How'd it go, Dave?" Castillo asked as Yung, Howell, and Leverette came into the room.

"I didn't tell McGrory that Jake and Sparkman were from the Presidential Flight Detachment-"

"Jesus Christ!" Robert Howell suddenly said as Max walked toward him. "Where'd that dog come from?"

"I keep him around to eat people who don't do what I tell them," Castillo said. "Why didn't you, Dave?"

"I thought it would be better to let him think the Gulfstream was a charter."

Castillo considered that a moment.

"Good thinking. You were right and I was wrong," he said. "And he bought that?"

Yung nodded. "But after that, I wondered if he was going to wonder why I had sent the pilots of a chartered aircraft out to my apartment and not to a hotel."

"And you think he will?"

"I don't know. But it's too late to do anything about it."

"Even if he actually comes looking for them, it's not a problem," Munz said. "While you were telling the manager about your seizure problem, Jake gave them his credit card for this room; it's in his name."

"'Seizure problem'?" Howell asked.

"Don't ask," Yung said. "It will make you question the sanity of our leader."

"I asked how it went," Castillo said.

"I don't think there's a problem," Howell said. "So how'd you make out with Ordonez?"

"We get to use the estancia…Dave told you what's going down?"

Howell nodded.

"Ordonez gets the choppers when we're through with them. But, and this is important, he gets them-what did he say?-as a sugar pill to accompany the bitter one he has to swallow of helping us to help Duffy in something that's none of his business. In other words, it wasn't a bribe."

Howell nodded.

"So what happens now?" he asked.

"How are you planning to go to the estancia, Dave?" Castillo said.

"My car is fixed. I really can't believe it. The last time I saw it, it was full of double-aught buckshot holes."

"Okay. That means you can take the radio with you. Colin'll need communication, but not a communicator, right, butler?"

Leverette replied with a thumbs-up gesture.

"I don't see any need for you to drive all the way out there and then back, do you, Bob?"

Howell shook his head.

"Ordonez is going to chopper us to the international bridge at-what's the name of that place, Alfredo?"