"When is she going to Meade?"

"Just as soon as we get off the phone. Right, Agnes?"

"Yes, sir," Mrs. Forbison said.

"Good evening, Mrs. Forbison," Montvale said, icily. "I wasn't aware you were on the line."

"Standard office procedure, Mr. Ambassador," Agnes said, sweetly. "Whenever the chief is speaking with you or the President. You didn't know?"

"No, I didn't."

"Unless you've got something for me, Mr. Ambassador, that's all I have," Castillo said.

"I'll get right on this, of course," Montvale said. "And you will keep me up to speed, right, Colonel?"

"Absolutely," Castillo said. "Break it down, Lester."

"It's broken down, Lester?"

"Yes, sir."

"Get Agnes back for me, please."

"Aye, aye, sir."

"Yes, Chief?"

"Who won that one, Agnes?"

"You did. Hands down. You couldn't tell?"

"I thought I did. So why am I worried?"

"What happens now?" she asked.

"I'm going to Buenos Aires first thing in the morning. There's a lot to be done. I'm going to leave Lester's radio here, so you'll be able to send the data to the shooters here. How do I get them into the voice-recognition circuit?"

"You identify yourself-it has to be you, me, or Miller-and say, 'Adding voice-recognition personnel.' Then you have them give their names and say a few words."

"Stand by," Castillo said, and motioned for Sergeants Bustamante and Gilmore to join him.

"You heard that?" he asked, and they nodded.

"Colonel Castillo. Adding voice recognition personnel. Master Sergeant Gilmore."

He looked at Gilmore and said, "Repeat after me: 'Master Sergeant Gilmore.'"

"Master Sergeant Gilmore," Gilmore said.

Castillo nodded and went on: "'When I failed reconnoitering as a Ranger, I had to become a Green Beanie."

Gilmore automatically began, "'When I failed'…" Then he paused. "With all possible respect, Colonel, sir, screw you."

An artificial voice joined the conversation: "Sufficient data. System recognizes"-the voice now changed to Gilmore's-"Master Sergeant Gilmore."

Castillo nodded appreciatively.

"Colonel Castillo," he went on. "Adding voice-recognition personnel. Technical Sergeant Bustamante."