"I don't know anything about any paint stripping, Colonel. What's that all-"

"Colonel Torine will explain what has to be done, sir, when he comes aboard." He paused, crossed his fingers, and went on: "Sir, with respect, I suspect you're having trouble accepting all this. May I ask, sir, that you immediately communicate with the secretary of Defense to get his assurance?"

There was a moment's silence, and then Admiral Jacoby said, "I think we can hold off, Colonel, until your deputy comes aboard. But in the meantime, I'll have the aircraft moved to the hangar deck and the paint stripping started."

"Yes, sir. Thank you, sir. Break it down, White House."

Admiral Jacoby just had time to say "shit" before a hissing announced the connection was gone.

"How'd I do, Dick?"

"I think you ruined the admiral's day."

"He was about to ruin mine. You know what to tell Jake, right?"

"He just took off from MacDill. That's next."

"Thanks a hell of a lot, Dick," Castillo said, then signaled to Lester to break the connection.

Castillo looked at Pevsner.

"Now that that's done, you want to tell me about the pistol?" Castillo said.

"People are trying to kill you, friend Charley."

"You mean right here and now? Or can we go finish our dinner?"

"We will talk after dinner," Pevsner said.

Castillo picked up the Argentine.45, slipped it into the waistband at the small of his back, and gestured for Pevsner to precede him out of the room.



The Llao Llao Resort Hotel

San Carlos de Bariloche

Rio Negro Province, Argentina 2035 10 September 2005 They all crowded into the elevator and rode to the lobby floor. When the door opened, Pevsner touched Castillo's arm and motioned everyone else out.

"I need a moment with my friend Charley," he announced, waving toward the dining room. "The rest of you go in."

Everyone obeyed but Max, who simply sat down and looked to Castillo for instructions. The others made their way around him, and when they all had left the car, Pevsner pushed one of the upper-floor buttons. The door closed and the elevator started to rise.

Pevsner somehow managed to stop the elevator as it ascended; Castillo wondered if an alarm bell was about to go off.

"I don't want to scare Anna and the children," Pevsner said, "so don't say anything at the table."

"What's going on, Alek?"

Pevsner didn't respond directly.

"I will arrange for your baggage to be taken to the boat," he said. "You can spend the night at the house. Among other things, that'll give us the opportunity to talk."

"I can't get far from the communicator," Castillo said, thinking aloud.

"And the boy who operates it?"