Montvale went on, “Presumably, you’ve thought about security on the ranch?”

“Yes, sir. I’ve arranged for the Secret Service to be there by the time we get there.”

“I didn’t hear about that,” Montvale said, making it an accusation. “I wonder why?”

Castillo again didn’t reply.

“Is there anything I can do to help you, Charley? Anything you need?”

“How difficult would it be to have Edgar Delchamps brought home from Paris until we get this sorted out? He’s the CIA station chief…”

“I know who he is,” Montvale interrupted. “If you think it’s necessary, I’ll have him here as soon as he can get on a plane.”

“I think it’s important, sir.”

“Then he’ll be on the next plane. He’ll probably be here before you get here. Is there anything he should be told?”

“No, sir.”

“But you will tell me, right, why you need him when we have our chat?”

“Yes, sir. Of course.”

“At the risk of repeating myself, let’s have that chat as soon as possible.”

“Yes, sir.”

“Anything else, Charley?”

“No, sir.”

“Nice to talk to you,” Montvale said and hung up.

“White House.”

“I need to speak with Mr. Otto Görner in Fulda, Germany,” Castillo said. “The number is…”

“Otto Görner,” Görner’s voice came over the phone.

“This is the White House calling, Herr Görner,” the operator said, in German. “Will you hold please for Colonel Castillo?

“Colonel, this line is not, repeat, not secure.”

“I understand. Thank you,” Castillo said. “Wie gehts, Otto?”

Otto Görner was not at all happy to be reminded that Kocian needed protection at all and that Castillo wanted to get at least part of it from the Argentine SIDE.

“You know what happened in Budapest, Otto,” Castillo said. “Even without involving the Argentines, he’s safer here than he would be there.”

“And you trust the Argentines?”

“I trust them to act in their best interests. Keeping Eric safe is in their best interests. And I’ll have people—good people—on him as well.”

It was a moment before Görner responded. “I’ll call as soon as we hang up.”

“I’ll keep you posted,” Castillo said.

“Yes, of course you will,” Görner said and hung up.