Mr. Sieno smiled. She was obviously taken with the old man.

“Try German,” Castillo said.

“Guten Abend, Herr Oberst,” Kocian said.

“Guten Abend, Herr Kocian,” Munz replied.

“You’re a Hessian,” Kocian said, still in German. It was an accusation.

“I’m an Argentine,” Munz said, switching to English. “My parents were Hessian.”

“Karl, why didn’t you tell me the Herr Oberst speaks English?” Kocian demanded.

“You didn’t ask,” Castillo said, then, switching to English, went on: “Jack, this is Colonel Alfredo Munz. Kensington took a bullet out of his shoulder after the estancia operation.”

Davenport nodded.

“Alfredo, Jack and I have been many places together…”

Castillo felt a tug on his trouser leg. He looked down to see that Max had it in his mouth. Max let loose, then sat and offered Castillo his paw.

“I think your friend is telling you that nature calls, Charley,” Torine said, cheerfully.


“Obviously, he’s been waiting for you,” Torine said. “He made it…uh…toothfully clear that he wasn’t going walking with any of us.”

“I would have been happy to take him, Karl,” Kocian said. “But you made that impossible.”


“Had I known I was going to be held prisoner, Karlchen,” Kocian said, “I would never have left Budapest.”

“Forgive me for trying to keep you alive, Eric,” Castillo replied some what unpleasantly, in German.

Max was now at the door, looking back at Castillo.

Castillo looked at Sándor Tor and asked, in Hungarian, “You have a leash?”

Tor reached into a well-worn leather briefcase by the side of his chair and took out a chain leash.

Why do I suspect that briefcase also holds an Uzi?

“Okay, Max,” Castillo said as he took the leash, “I’m coming.”

“You want some company, Colonel?” Davidson asked.

“I can handle walking a dog, Jack,” Castillo snapped.

After an awkward moment’s silence, Sieno offered: “When you leave the building, turn right, Colonel. There’s a park a block away.”

“Thanks, Paul,” Castillo said. “And sorry I snapped at you, Jack. My ass is dragging.” He heard what he had just said and added: “Pardon the language, Mr. Sieno. Same excuse.”

“Don’t be silly,” she said. “And I’ve asked you to please call me Susanna.”

“I’ll be right back,” Castillo said.

“Max willing, of course,” Kocian said.