Mr. Sieno opened the door to the foyer before the elevator got there. Darby walked into the apartment, set the heavy bag down, and put out his hand to Castillo.

Castillo took it and said, “Good to see you, Alex.”

Darby had just put out his hand to Torine when the chimes with one missing note sounded again. Everyone looked at the monitors. There was now a Volkswagen Passat station wagon waiting for the door to completely open.

Other monitors showed the Passat parking and Tony Santini, a Secret Service agent, getting out and going to the back of the vehicle and raising the rear hatch. Sergeant Major Jack Davidson, USA, and Corporal Lester Bradley, USMC, both in civilian clothing, got out and joined Santini at the back of the station wagon.

Castillo grinned slightly.

Davidson! I don’t know how you got down here, Jack, but am I glad to see you!

When the monitor showed them inside the elevator, it also showed Davidson looking around for—and then spotting—the monitor camera lens.

Castillo looked at Torine and saw in his raised eyebrow that he had recognized Davidson, too. Torine saw that Castillo was watching him and raised his eyebrow even higher but didn’t say anything.

Susanna Sieno opened the door for them.

Davidson, smiling, put his suitcase down and saluted Castillo.

“Good morning, Colonel,” he said. “May the sergeant major offer his congratulations on your promotion?”

“The sergeant major may. But the colonel is surprised that the sergeant major doesn’t know you’re not supposed to salute when not in uniform,” Castillo said.

“The sergeant major begs the colonel’s pardon for his breach of military custom.”

They looked at each other, then chuckled.

Castillo said, “I don’t know what you’re doing here, Jack, but—and I know I shouldn’t tell you this—I’m damned glad you are.”

“Oh, goody!” Davidson said and spread his arms wide as he approached Castillo, then wrapped him in a bear hug, crying, “It’s good to see you, Charley!”

When he freed himself, Castillo turned to Bradley.

“I’m not so sure about you, Lester,” he said. “I thought you were safely on ice at Mackall.”

“That was not one of your brightest ideas,” Davidson said. “Deadeye Dick stood out in Mackall like a whor—”

Davidson saw Susanna Sieno.

“Like a lady of dubious virtue in a place of worship?” she furnished, smiling.

“Yes, ma’am.”

“Mr. Sieno, Sergeant Major Jack Davidson,” Castillo said.

“You can call me Susanna,” she said.

“Good to see you, Jack,” Jake Torine said to Davidson. They shook hands.

The other introductions were made.

Alex Darby said, “Before this goes any further, I need a private word with you and Tony, Charley.”

Castillo nodded.

“Okay if we go in there, Susanna?” Darby asked, gesturing toward a door.

“Of course,” she replied.