“That I am going to run him down and then take him to the United States. The deal we have is still on. But it no longer includes Howard Kennedy.”

“Why do you want Howard Kennedy?”

“For one thing, I want to know what his relationship with Colonel Pyotr Sunev was …is.”

“I don’t think Howard even knows who Sunevis.”

“Kennedy knows who Sunev is,” Delchamps said. “We have a very reliable source who saw him and Sunev together in Cozumel. In that hotel you own there, the Grand Cozumel Beach and Golf Resort.”

Pevsner considered that carefully but didn’t challenge it. Instead, he asked, “And if I don’t choose to give you Howard Kennedy?”

“You don’t have any choice, Alek,” Castillo said. “I’m going to have him.”

“Before either of us says anything more that we both might later regret, let’s get back to Alfredo Munz.”

“You’re not proposing a swap?” Castillo asked, incredulously.

“Now you owe me an apology,” Pevsner said. “On several levels. I don’t barter away my friends. Both Alfredo and Howard are friends of mine.”

“You’re going to have to convince Munz of that; he doesn’t think so.”

“That’s one of the reasons I have to see him.”

“That brings us back to step one. I told you he’s not going to come here.”

“I keep a suite in the Sheraton, the one here in Pilar, right off the highway, near the Jumbo,” Pevsner said. He waited until Castillo nodded, indicating he knew what he was talking about, then went on: “I use it to accommodate business associates I’d rather not have in my home.”

“And will I bring Alfredo to your suite in the Sheraton? Come on, Alek! He’s my friend. I’m not going to set him up to be whacked!”

“Charley, I swear before God I mean Alfredo no harm!”

“I wish I could believe you,” Castillo said. “But why should I?”

“Because it’s the goddamned truth, that’s why!”

“What exactly do you want to ask him, looking into his eyes with that penetrating stare of yours?”

“That’s really none of your business.”

“It is if you want me to even ask him to put his neck in the garrote,” Castillo said.

“Then we have a problem, because I won’t tell you. You’ll have to be satisfied that I mean Alfredo no harm.”

“And I am determined that he will come to no harm,” Castillo said. “He has already taken a bullet for me and one is too many. So I suppose our conversation is over. I know you’re going to tell Kennedy he is no longer part of the deal. I have no problem with that. I can find him. But anything else you do to protect him from me will nullify our whole deal. You understand?”

Pevsner nodded coldly.

“I really am sorry it came to this,” Pevsner said. “I think, in the long run, we will both regret it.”

“I need a minute alone with you, Ace,” Delchamps said, “before you kiss Aleksandr good-bye for all time. You want to take a walk for a couple of minutes, Alek, or is there someplace we can go?”

“I will leave you alone,” Pevsner said. “When you have finished, I’ll be right outside that door.”

“You really want to walk out of here, Ace?” Delchamps asked softly when the door had closed behind Pevsner.

“No. I thought he would cave and he didn’t. But now I don’t know what the hell to do next.”

“He’s one tough sonofabitch,” Delchamps said. “Let me ask you this: would Munz tell you about their conversation if they had it?”